Sunday, November 19, 2017

Three stories I have STILL have no explanation for Paranormal

My Nana once told me a story about when I was around 4 or 5 years old. I was standing on her cellar doors in the backyard and facing her house "talking a mile a minute" she said. She asked me who I was talking to and I pointed at nothing and said "that man, Nana". She brushed it off as an imaginary friend for the time being. Later when I came inside from playing on the backyard I pointed to a picture on her refrigerator, it was her husband who had passed away before I was born, and said that's the man I was talking to. I have no recollection of this but it creeps me out to think about it.

This experience was first hand and happened in June. I was staying in a hospital and it as my last night there. It was around 2am and I still couldn't sleep. My roommate was passed out around 8pm because of a surgery and sleeping meds she had earlier. She was dead asleep. I had been laying in bed head on pillow and two blankets over me. So finally I decided to go the counter and ask for a sleeping medicine they'll give you that I had originally denied. But when I got back to my room my pillow was upright and against the side wall instead of up against the head board. This was really confusing because I knew for a fact my head was just on the pillow and not against the wall. My roommate was still dead asleep, hooked up to an IV, and snoring loud.

In the 8th grade I was sitting in my bedroom one night reading when I started to hear an almost recorder sound that wasnt coming from outside my room, it sounded 3 feet away from me. For a few seconds I was confused then my heart kinda dropped when I thought about the Indian flute on my side desk. This Indian flute was the last thing my da ever bought from me before he passed away when I was in the third grade. Out of confusion, fear and irrationality I immediately snapped the wooden flute in half and the noise stopped. To this day I do regret and hate that I broke the flute when it had such sentimental value to me but i panicked at the unknown I suppose.

Submitted November 19, 2017 at 06:34PM by greeneggsanddrugs Paranormal

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