Wednesday, November 29, 2017

I love falling asleep to the sound of my refrigerator CasualConversation

I live in a one person studio and my refrigerator is a short distance from my bed. When it's on it creates a superchill low hum and the water circulation sounds like it's raining. I especially love falling asleep/dozing off when it's raining outside so for me the "noise" my refrigerator makes is not bothersome at all, quite the contrary actually. Do you guys have any "noises" or sounds you love nodding off to?

Edit: this is my first time posting to this Sub and I just received automated modmail informing me I have to react to top comments within three hours. Only problem is I'm nodding off as I type :') Maybe the mods can forgive me and the post will still be up, in that case I'm looking forward to reading your reactions and discussing tomorrow. But for now, ciao!

Submitted November 30, 2017 at 07:29AM by StibbaTheNibba CasualConversation

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