Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Biscuit tins, bananas, water droplets and black fog? A lazy poltergeist? What is a logical (and rational) explanation for all of this? Paranormal

This might be a long post, as i'll try to explain events as much as i can remember them.

  1. The flying biscuit tin lid

    About 10 years ago, in the same house i am currently located in. Everyone headed up to bed. I came back down 30 minutes or so after everyone else was getting ready to sleep. I went to grab a few biscuits and a drink. I head down the stairs in the dark, turn on the living room light, walk to the kitchen, also turning on the light there. I grab myself a few biscuits from the tin on the kitchen worktop. It's located opposite from the kitchen back-door, about 3 meters away. The tin we had at the time was cubic shaped, metal and the lid would fit firmly like you would get on a tin of chocolates, almost air tight. You have to really pull on it to get the lid off. So i pour myself a drink, put the lid back on the biscuit tin securely.

    I'm walking through the living room, turning the lights off on my way. I head up stairs, and when i am about halfway up... smash, twang, wallop, bang. I dropped a glass of milk on the stairs and got into some kind of defensive stance, thinking that someone just smashed in the kitchen door window. Are we being burgled? No. I hear nothing after this, as everyone else upstairs starts asking what the hell was that noise.

    I head down slowly, peeking in the living room as i turn the light on. I'm petrified, expecting to see someone in a balaclava standing in the kitchen or something. I actually picked up a guitar from the living room instinctively in case i needed to defend myself. I get to the kitchen and i see nothing unusual. The glass window is still there, and the door is closed. But then my eyes snap towards to floor, right next to the back door. The biscuit tin lid is sat there upside down, and there is a new mark on the door (assuming the lid had hit the door).

    I remember just staring at it for almost a minute in silence, as i was VERY confused. I know i placed the lid back on the tin properly, there is no way it could have rolled, or the fact that the lid could not have even fallen in the first place. My mom comes down at this point. Probably about 80-90 seconds or so after the loud crashing noise occurred.

    I'm explaining what happened frantically, and how the lid is located where it is. I'm still standing where i was first looking at it being on the floor. She heads over to it, also freaking out a bit, but goes to pick it up, saying "that's odd". She immediately drops the lid in shock when grabbing it, because it is freezing cold, i could see the condensation reappear where her hand had just grabbed it. I then put my hand on it, and it was ice cold as if it had been in the refrigerator.

    Confused, that was the end of that. This only ever happened once, but that lid flew off of the tin, travelled across the kitchen, and smashed into the door just below the glass window. There is no other explanation as to what caused the noise (and the mark on the door).

  2. Black smoke / fog

    A few months after the stray biscuit tin lid, i had trouble staying asleep one night, so i came back to browse the web on my laptop at about 4:00am. I had just booted up Windows Vista, and i'm repositioning my legs, when i notice the floor feels cold. I leaned down and put my hand onto the carpet, but it's fairly warm. Yet my wrist felt cold, along with my shins. I couldn't feel a draft, but it was like the temperature dramatically dropped a small distance above the floor. I didn't think much of it really.

    About 10-15 minutes later, i remember putting my hand on my chin as i was thinking of a math problem, when i suddenly had that "you're being watched feeling". My eyes unfocused from the laptop, and i see something in the corner of my eye to my right. Across the other side of the living room, behind the television in the corner was a black blob, i instinctively turned my head, and saw a dark black fog, mist or ball of smoke. It appeared as a tangled mass, almost like string, but whispy like smoke. As i looked into it across the room, it seemed to go up and into the wall near the ceiling. From the time i looked at it, and when it had disappeared was no longer than 3 seconds.

    My initial thoughts, i was confused, but i stood up and immediately checked the back of the television outlets, to see if something had blown. Maybe a fuse or something had caused a puff of smoke? I had no idea. But as i walked over to the TV, i noticed that same coldness again, except it was higher up. I put my hands on the wall where this "smoke" was visible, and the wall had a cold patch to the touch. This freaked me out for a while, but i went back over to my laptop and that was that.

    I only recall seeing this mist/smoke on this one occasion.

  3. The flying banana

    This happened 2 years ago. I was watching TV late in the evening, flicking through channels out of boredom. I'm in the living room. My dad was on the PC just behind me on the other side of the couch. We had a fruitbowl on a small cupboard in the centre of the front windows of the house, where the TV is just to the right of this. At the time we had about 3 or 4 bananas in the fruitbowl.

    My dad periodically turns his head to see what's on the TV as you do. So we're both looking at the TV. A banana flies up and out of the fruitbowl, about 10 inches above the rim, and then lands on the floor. I started laughing, because my dad actually started to say "what the fuck", before i could even process what had just happened.

    A banana, impossibly jumped out of the fruitbowl, and cleared at least 1 meter away from the cabinet/cupboard the bowl was placed on. This baffles me, because we both saw it. The fruitbowl was not stacked nor full, and there is no way that banana could have just done what it did.

    We still laugh about this whenever it comes up, because it is ridiculous and no one believes it, yet we both saw it happen.

  4. Water droplets

    Over the years amongst these events going on, you will at times feel a drop of water land on you, or see one appear on the desk, worktop, or any place really. I believe this is what people call "phantom droplets". Multiple people have noticed this, from family, to visitors. It's like a single drop of rain indoors, but you can never find the source of it. You'd assume there is a leak in the ceiling, but there is never any source to it when actually looking for it.

These are the things that stand out the most of any weird things going on in this house. There are other events, such as hearing muffled coughs or wheezing, but we have no idea if they were just echoing coming from the walls of the neighbours, or something outside. Sometimes small items go missing, but then they reappear in the same place within minutes. This often happens when you are alone in the house, and others have said this has also happened to them fairly often. At a glance, it probably sounds like classic poltergeist activity. But the thing is, it's over long periods of time between noticeable events.

I personally do not believe in poltergeists, ghosts, telekinesis or whatever paranormal explanation anyone has for this, because there is no way to be sure. It has just really baffled me in an amusing way living in this house all these years. I thought i'd share this, because earlier today the water droplets started again. Two other people in the house today mentioned it.

I have on occasion setup a camera, or a microphone when something noticeably odd has happened, but i have never caught anything at all.

What is a valid explanation for all of this?

Submitted November 23, 2017 at 06:46AM by Jigoku1337 Paranormal

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