Thursday, August 6, 2015

ADHD in the office. ADHD

I've worked at the same place for almost a year now. My desk is located in a place with heavy office traffic, and the distractions are overwhelming. I sit right next to a printer, refrigerator, and a desk with random stuff on it that people seem to use communally. Every five minutes someone wanders over and shuffles papers, pours water into a cup from the refrigerator, washes their hands, or has some informal meeting right in front of my desk. I'm near the door too, so people are always coming in and out. On top of all this I have to answer phones, which is an instant five minute setback every time it rings.

I'm expected to focus on complex, detailed tasks that take a long time. Needless to say, I haven't been getting much done lately.

It goes something like this. I start working, the printer goes off. Instant distraction. I get derailed for a couple minutes, finally get back on track, and someone wanders over and opens the refrigerator. Then I lose my place again. Rinse and repeat all day.

It doesn't help that no one respects my personal space, and everyone in the area comes wandering into my bubble unapologetically. Everyone else has their own cubicle or office.

There's a great desk far away from everyone in the back of the office that I daydream about. No one is using it, either. I want to ask my boss about moving back there, but I'm afraid he'll say the nature of my position requires me to be in a place where I'm conveniently located for everyone (gag).

I'm currently in therapy and she said I could go to a psychiatrist and get medication, but I don't want to do that just yet. Should I see if she can write me a note saying I need a quiet workspace? Or should I ask my boss before getting doctors involved?

Submitted August 06, 2015 at 06:26PM by Saarnath ADHD

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