Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Trick for reducing soda consumption. loseit

Hey guys! I've been working on losing weight since December. I'm down 30 lbs and aim for 20 more (I was 200, want to be 150 and I'm 5'7)

I was drinking at least one soda a day back then. I'll still drink soda, but I limit it to 2 a week. At first I was kind of struggling and breaking my own code and would go 3 or 4 (still an improvement, but not great.)

Then I had an "ah-ha!" moment when I got back from the grocery. It was so easy for me to break my code when the soda was already in the refrigerator.

Now, 2 sodas go in the refrigerator every Sunday. It's helped so much and I wish I would have thought of it sooner!

Not saying it will work for everyone and you might have to tweak it a bit if you live with other people. I just feel like such a failure if I go to the cabinet and pop and extra beverage in that refrigerator.

Submitted August 26, 2015 at 07:00AM by Emperor_of_Cats http://ift.tt/1EUTP2z loseit

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