Friday, August 28, 2015

Returning to school, a little nervous about my stored stash and baby refusing formula... beyondthebump

In the beginning I will only be going for 4 hours a day, which I should be able to pump to account for. I will be transitioning into 8 or 9 hours a day in a few months when my baby turns 6 months old. My problem breaks down into two problems I guess. The first is that my breast milk spoils extremely easy, if I leave it out for a few minutes it seems to go bad, or even a few hours in the refrigerator. Not sure what the problem is, I've tried scalding it and it doesn't seem to help. It's not uncommon for me to thaw out breast milk and find that it's already gone bad. Not to mention I already have a low supply, it probably takes me a day just to pump out a bottle IF I'm pumping every 2 hours on the dot. Which brings me to part two: my baby will NOT take formula. It doesn't matter what I do. I've tried several brands, I've tried hot, warm, cold. At my wits end I've even tried mixing a little bit of juice in it to entice him, no go. I've tried mixing formula and breastmilk on a very low ratio and it doesn't work, he gets even a whiff of that formula and he's done. Yesterday I left him with my mom for 3 hours and told her to just give him formula, and he cried the whole three hours and refused. Will my baby accept it if he's hungry enough? I feel awful for letting him cry. I would just really like to have a back up plan in case pumping at school doesn't work out.

Submitted August 28, 2015 at 09:18PM by missdovahkiin beyondthebump

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