Thursday, August 27, 2015

Shivering / Shakiness? diabetes

TL:DR -- Don't know what's causing me to shiver uncontrollably for half-hour episodes. How to know what it's related to -- LCHF diet, thyroid, insulin?

Hey, all. Was diagnosed as Type 1 in June -- A1c of 13.4. Changed my diet to low-carb. Started Lantus pen 5-8 units depending on the week. Mostly been under control between 85 and 135 on meter. There's been a lot of weird sensations in the past couple of months, for sure. This week has been harder to control -- highs in the 130s and 140s and had to up basal insulin to 10 units. (I don't have any bolus yet.) Weight is down to the 170s from 200 lbs.

I have had repeated episodes of uncontrollable shivering for, like, half an hour to 45 minutes long. It usually occurs overnight. Sometimes I start feeling really cold, and sometimes my hands and feet are genuinely cold to the touch. Hopping in a hot shower for 20 minutes does seem to make it go away sometimes. I turn off the A/C during the day because it gets too cold in here for me, but my partner comes home and turns it back on and adds a fan, too. Thermostat says 73 or 74, but it's like a refrigerator to me. We fuss about it all the time.

Last night I wasn't feeling particularly cold, though. I took a nap on the couch and woke up shivering and shaking like crazy. I had a light cover on me and a warm dog curled up next to me, too. I had injected 4 units of Lantus a few hours earlier, but hit a vein or something and it hurt more than usual. Some of the insulin leaked back out. Happens sometimes. My blood sugar was 98 when the shaking occurred, temperature 97.4 deg f. I tried a hot shower, but it didn't work. Drank some iced tea, and the shaking settled down after a few minutes. The sugary drink and the stopping could have been coincidental, or maybe not. I don't really know.

Also, almost 24-hours a day I feel a low, shaky jitteriness that doesn't seem to be getting better. I fall asleep and wake up feeling like a human-sized tuning fork almost every day.

I don't know if any of this is diabetic-related or not. Maybe its the low-carb, high-fat diet? Or a thyroid problem? Or a vitamin problem? Or a reaction to the insulin? Or "low blood sugar" even though its not technically considered low.

Just wondering if anyone has any insight.

I'd love to feel normal again, and don't know which doctor to talk to or even how to describe this and be taken seriously. They've not been particularly responsive to my complaints over recent years -- offering me anti-depressants instead of -- oh, checking maybe to see if I had diabetes for the past who knows how long.

Submitted August 27, 2015 at 05:39PM by 4thshift diabetes

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