Wednesday, August 26, 2015

[NSV] Came Back from Two Weeks Out of Town Weighing Less Than When I Left keto

Prior to keto, whenever I went out of town, I could expect to come home weighing anywhere from five to up to 10 or more pounds than when I left. If I was in New York, then it was pizza, beer, Chinese and a whole lot of other food. In Philly, it was cheesesteaks or roast pork sandwiches. No matter where I went, I had a list of foods that I would seek out and gorge on.

So, going into this two week trip, which included New York and Philly, as well as Maryland [thing crab cakes], my goal was to come back weighing not much more than when I left. I knew that I would be out with friends, which meant drinking good beer, but I have learned that as long as I am exercising hard, I seem to burn those carbs off without knocking myself out of keto.

So, when I got home, I got on the scale, and actually lost over a pound and a half during the two weeks. I restrained my eating by a lot. I only had two slices of pizza in the entire trip. Prior to keto, it easily could have been 2-3 whole pies in the same time period.

I also took low carb wraps with me, and substituted them for the bread on soft-shell crab, roast beef, roast pork and other sandwiches. I would hit barbeque joints along the way, and get straight meat, without any sauce, and would also buy cheese and cold cuts for other meals. It was huge to come back, and not be faced with battling back to what I weighed, which was my life before keto. Even my mother was amazed at my progress, the food I ordered when we went out, and the fact that I left beer behind in her refrigerator. That was when she said, "I guess you really are serious about this." Yes I am. K4L [keto for life]

Submitted August 27, 2015 at 08:43AM by ChinaKeto keto

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