Thursday, March 10, 2016

Just had a lucid dream and it was amazing! LucidDreaming

I have been interested in lucid dreaming for a long time. I´ve always had start with lucid dreaming but for some reason y always give up. I´ve had a few before, but nothing as clear and real as the one last night. Last night was the second one of attempting lucid dreaming again, after months of not even thinking about it.

I dreamed i was standing in a very important avenue of my city. I was speaking to my mom on the phone. It was the middle of the night. I was trying to explain my mom where i was, and i use a restaurant in front of me as a reference. It was closed. Suddenly i though: Wait a second.... there is no a restaurant like this one on this avenue. I inmidiately knew it. I was dreaming. Wow! Everything just became clearer and sharp. I could feel the cold breeze runnning down the street while i was crossing it to arrive to the other side. My level of lucidity, though it was very high, wasnt at its top, because i remember telling my mom through the phone: Mom, im sorry i have to end the call, ¡im in a lucid dream!. I remember trying to read the name of some streets. I could read the name perfectly, i just dont remember now. The only thing that happened was that the names of stuff and adds, even if they were very clear and readable, after i looked away and looked back they had changed. I was trying to explore and wasnt trying to control anypart of my dream. I entered a convenince store and saw a woman standing there opening the door of a refrigerator to grab a soda or something. She had black hair and a white dress. I walk into the store and remembered a stabilization technique: to pay attention to my hands. I looked at them intendly and then: like an act of magic... zoom! Instant focus! I could see my fingerprints perfectly. I stoped looking at my hands and saw around me. I was amazed by how amazing and realistic everything looked like.... I was thinking very clearly too. I then saw a woman outside that looked a lot like Caitlyn Jenner. I went outside and i though: Lets do something that i would never do in real life: start arguing with her. I got closed to her and she said: "Excuse me... Can i pay here using this card?" Maybe she thought i worked there. I said: Yes you can. She said: i dont believe you. I yelled: Yes you can! Now shut up! I thought she would be scared and leave, but she got closer to me and said again: "I dont believe you". I yelled again and we argued for a few seconds. I realized that doing that was making my lucidity go away so i wanted to stop but she grabbed me and continue arguing. I then woke up. That final part of my dream made me feel bad. But then the fact hit me like a brick on my face. I just had a super real and vivid lucid dream!

Tell me guys, what do you think? Do you have some experience like this? Btw: I am new to reddit, this is my first post.... Sorry if i did or said something that i shouldnt....

Thank you!

Submitted March 10, 2016 at 11:50PM by ferbasmen LucidDreaming

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