Monday, March 28, 2016

(US - Arizona) My husband and I are buying the house we currently rent. At what point do we become homeowners instead of tenants? RealEstate

My husband and I currently renting a home that we plan to buy (we've been pre-qualified! yay!). However, this is our first time buying a home and we have like a squillion questions. The biggest one is when do we stop being renters and start being homeowners? In other words, when do we stop paying rent? We don't have a written lease, so there's no language specifying termination dates or procedures or anything like that. Is there some sort of precedent that's been set for situations like ours?

The genesis of this question is that our landlords want to remove the washer, dryer, and refrigerator from our house. We're fine with that as homeowners, but need them as renters (especially since, while we DO plan to upgrade them at some point, right now we're focused on saving for a larger down payment). When can they remove them from the home? I realize that this question might be better for /r/legaladvice.

Thanks for your advice. I'm sure I'll be back with more questions.

Submitted March 29, 2016 at 12:24AM by TheJewishCowgirl RealEstate

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