Wednesday, March 30, 2016

[RANT] Parents are worse than the kids! childfree

I must get this off my chest, my boyfriend and I both detest children and are proudly child-free. With that said, I must rant that there are some parents that are far worse than the children themselves.

Today I was in Shabasi's Judaica store in Baltimore and there was a child throwing a temper tantrum in front of the entire store. What did the parent do about it? Absolutely nothing! Just continued to shop like nothing is happening.

I work part-time at a pizza store while attending college full-time. I cannot tell you the horror of having a million kids running around in the store screaming their heads off while I'm on break trying to catch up on school work. Not to mention, the mess that kids make when they take far too much ketchup and neglect to close the refrigerator door.

Sometimes I think parents are worse than the actual kids!

Submitted March 31, 2016 at 02:12AM by davidpneff childfree

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