Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Need food ideas! Small, quick, filling, no fridge, and no microwave. 1200isplenty

For the next few weeks, I need food ideas for work. I'm basically working 12 hours with no break. Any break I get is just a few minutes, so I don't really have time for a "meal". These past couple days I've felt like the more often I eat, the better I'll feel.

So! Looking for some ideas. All of my food would be stored in a back pack, or lunch box, and carried around and left out and moved around (so nothing that would get squishy and ruined). I have no access to a microwave or refrigerator (I do have an insulated lunch box with an ice thing, but I don't know if that will last 12+ hours) and it can get pretty hot, so nothing that gets gross when left in a car, for example. Looking for small snack/meals that I can gobble down in a few minutes but are relatively filling.

I think that's it...I'll edit if I think of more of course. Thanks everyone!

Submitted March 31, 2016 at 06:33AM by sweattosuccess 1200isplenty

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