Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Question about ABV coconut oil recipes vaporents

I've got a good amount of ABV weed and am gearing up to use it in a coconut oil recipe. Some of the recipes I'm looking at look good but are aimed at weed that hasn't been vaped yet. I'm curious about two aspects of the preparation:

  • some recipes strain the concoction through mesh and cheesecloth; some grind the ABV to a flour and don't strain.

  • some recipes that use a slow cooker combine water and oil and then dump the water after separation in the refrigerator; others use only oil.

Pros and cons of these two preparation methods, specifically for ABV material? One assumption I'm making is that for ABV a slow cooker is a less useful method as the weed has already been heated.

Submitted March 30, 2016 at 11:26PM by throwaway_urf_1853 vaporents

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