Hey guys. I need some advice or some sort of help. I suppose I have no idea where else to go. I have little confidence in authorities, and I don't wish to get involved by sticking my nose where it doesn't belong.
I travel a lot for my job as a freelance animator, and right now I am on a southbound train to Palm Beach, Florida. I also receive a ton of emails on a daily basis, most of which are YouTube comments, messages from fans, and people asking to collaborate or for commissions. About an hour ago I was sorting through my inbox. I had just about finished when I opened an email with a strange title. I thought it might have been sent in error, or perhaps spam that had avoided the filters.
The subject line is a super long string of numbers that I can only assume is some sort of code that I don't recognize:
Perhaps one of you can help me make heads or tails of this? Initially after reading it, It seemed like some sort of joke... Like some random anonymous creep stumbled upon my professional email address through social media. April fools is right around the corner so it wouldn't surprise me one bit. I would have written it off as such... But I realized the message had been sent to my personal email address. The one I only give out to close friends and family. This could still be chalked up to an early April fools prank, but something doesn't sit right. It doesn't seem like anything my friends would do. It's not clever or well though out enough. I wrote back to the address, which was also a strange series of letters and numbers, and I received an automated message back, telling me that my message had not been successfully delivered. Anyway, I'll let you guys take a look. Here is the letter copied and pasted word for word:
"To whom it may concern:
I hope this message finds you well, or, more hopefully, that it finds anyone at all. I ask that you read this through, as there is an unfathomable amount at stake. I must be as brief as possible, as I am entirely unsure as to how long I will have access to power and an Internet connection.
My name is Dr. Harold Perdue. By making myself know, and by providing the information I am about to tell you, I'm not only risking my own life, but the lives of countless others. Unfortunately this may already have been the case far before I even wrote this message.
As it stands, I am currently lost. The issue is, and please bare with me, the question isn't a matter of where, but of when. Allow me to explain in as little words as possible: I am a quantum physicist. One of the leading in both the United States and Europe, if not the world. I am one of the co founders of a company which you may or may not have heard of, depending on when and where this message travels.
My company, known as Weltraum-Nacht, was founded in 1987. We are the leading researcher and developer of quantum mechanics, quantum computers, known as QCs, and quantum communications. I will do my best to describe what we do in layman's terms. In 1987, myself and my colleague (Let us, for the sake of anonymity, call him Rick) , completed the first successful Quantum Data Transmission Computer, or QDTC. Like other great minds who have created multi billion dollar companies centering around computers, our dream began in a basement. My mother's basement. We would later move to the United States to begin developing our company.
As two of the brightest minds in Germany, we had both been students of a leading German Physicist . With the help of our great mentor we worked tirelessly, often times forgoing food and sleep, using money we could have used for groceries on the materials we'd need. When we slept, we layed on old futon mattresses, and took shifts fine tuning our creation.
A QC operates a bit differently than standard computer. QCs use Qubits instead of bits to transmit data. These Qubits work in such a way which allows them to simultaniously exist and not exist in anywhere from two to eight different states. This concept is a bit confusing to explain without some background in Quantum Particle Physics. Essentially, when a particle is observed, it acts as we would normally expect it to. Light, for instance, acts as a wave when observed either by a conscious being, or a camera, but when left to it's own devices, light was recorded acting as a particle. When we observe things on a microscopic level, certain 'laws' we experience as true in the observable universe break down. particles such as electrons and photons can simultaneously take on states that we would usually deem mutually exclusive. We do not see this superposition of different states occur because it disappears once a system is observed. when you measure the location of a particle all but one possible alternative is eliminated.Currently, we do not quite understand WHY it happens, we simply know that it
does. Qubits operate under these principals. The QC contains built in values which command "observers" to switch between "on" or "off". Depending on the chain of observation, you are able to, within an infinitesimally small amount of space, control where the 'particle' of data is sent (Think of the Schrodinger's Cat scenario).
Time is of the essence so I will not go further in to how quantum data operates. Rick and I accomplished more than we had ever dreamed of in my mothers basement on the night of August 27, 1987. We booted up the Quantum Program we had written as well as the Quantum Transmitter, and we sent our first transmission. To the same QC exactly 30 years in the future. What happened next was nothing short of a miracle. ( I must admit that it's difficult to become a quantum physicist and NOT believe that there is something much greater than any of us can comprehend. We received a reply. It read:
"Hello, Rick and Harold! This is Rick and Harold! We were prepared for this message, as you will be in another 30 years of your timeline. In order to assure you that this is real, we will add some personal information that only we would know about. "
Indeed, included were some intimate facts about myself I'd rather not disclose. The point is, only Rick and I would have known.
"As it stands, the budding company you both just began is becoming very successful. We are known over the world, and we now provide our services to the public."
We had absolutely no idea how much we would be affecting the fabric of space-time. We soon received thousands and thousands of messages from unknown people, and unknown places. It became necessary to create another computer that could sort out each message by exact time and date, and we also created an automated response system which informed people their messages had been sent.
Fast forward 30 years later, and we were, indeed, becoming quite successful. At first we offered our service to
governmental entities. We had developed a very intricate security system to insure we would not be sending any
messages that would upset the balance of our reality. Soon after we recieved permission from National Security to launch our service on a website available to the public.
How foolish we had been.
It started out simple enough. We would provide free messages, up to a certain amount of characters, and charge for any additional data. It did not take long for the messages to flood in. Many of them we could not send, as they contained violent language, or buzzwords. We had a wonderfully designed system and were able to hire employees to help with maintenance, IT work, and message sorting.
Then came the complaints.
People would write our company, telling us that their message would send, but they would receive strange encrypted messages back. These messages were glitching because of quantum entanglement, and we were unable to reorganize or decipher most of them. Those we could untangle contained either a seemingly random series of numbers or, more alarmingly, words written over and over again. These included the word "HELP" on several different occasions, and we also frequently received strings of text in hexadecimal which contained the phrase " DESTROY IMMEDIATELY".
Soon after, people began to write us about "rips". Each time they were described as being "less than an inch long". The rips would appear in either mid air, or attatched to something solid. This quickly escalated in to full blown law suits. As I'm sure you are well aware, humans get curious. Many of our customers ended up in the hospital. They would stick things in places they didn't belong. Fingers went missing, and soon after, entire limbs. The tears were getting larger every day. As you'd imagine, after our company was linked to a few disturbing cases, we received constant media coverage.
At first, things were being blown out of proportion, and we were accused as having some sort of connection to lluminati, the CSI, and whatever else the conspirators could think up. At this point whole people were going missing, only to turn up days later in a confused state. Some never returned. We were urgently ordered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and National Homeland Security to shut down our facilities, and remove any trace of the website. After doing so, it was apparent that it had no affect. Huge worm holes begin opening up underneath entire towns and neighborhoods. Parts of houses were ending up in forests...specifically staircases for whatever reason. Entire Cities would go missing and appear on the other side of the world days later. Thousands of people were injured and thousands more died.
This created world wide panic. We were instructed to destroy all remains of the computer, including any evidence that it had even existed. Any paper or digital document relating to the QC was wiped from the face of the earth. Imagine our surprise when, at every attempt at destruction, the computer would return in it's spot the VERY NEXT DAY. We determined it accomplished this while it was not being observed, during late hours of the night so we installed digital cameras which kept 24 hour surveillance. Still, our efforts were thwarted. Each night the cameras were discovered completely burnt out from what appeared to be an intense electrical surge. We hired people to watch at night, only to have them return to the facilities the next morning, not knowing where they had been or where they had gone.
Next, we attempted to send messages to every point in time after the computer's first day of operation instructing the company to destroy any and all evidence of the Computer. At this point we were desperate. People were appearing that should not have existed. A man was displaced from god knows which timeline, to an airport in Tokyo Japan during the year 1954, claiming to be from a small country called Taured, which he claimed was located between French and Spain. The only way we know that this happened was from a few documents written during the time period. Reality was not only fraying during the present, the past was changing. For some unknown reason, The Barenstein Bears became The Barenstein Bears and all evidence of anything otherwise simply ceased to exist.
The power just surged, so I'll move on to how I ended up here. Actually, to be quite honest, I don't precisely KNOW how I ended up here. It must have happened at some point during the night while I was asleep. I was working late in the computer room devising new ways we could try and destroy the computer, when I immediately became incredibly fatigued. I concluded it was because I had been so stressed about everything, I had neglected myself a full nights rest. The drive back home was a bit of a blur, but I remember walking in to my house and lying down next to my wife, who had already fallen asleep.
The next day I awoke feeling rather foggy and uncomfortable, similar to a hangover but even more painful and disorienting. I was laying on the floor inside of the computer room. Had I fallen asleep without knowing and dreamt that I drove home?
I switched on the light switch and began walking around the offices. At this point, our company had filed for bankruptcy, however, a handful of our more faithful employees volunteered to assist Rick and I in figuring out new ways to destroy the computer, and also to help with certain difficult tasks over the past few weeks, so I had been accustomed to interacting with people on a daily basis. There was no one in the offices, which wasn't all too strange, as most of our desk workers quit some time back. I then headed towards the IT department. Nobody there. I checked out HQ and Public Relations upstairs. Nothing. All I could hear was the buzzing of electricity throughout the building. In a state of anxiety, I ran down to the exit doors. looking out the windows as I did. There was no one on the streets either. No cars. Not even birds.
I ran through the exit door only to find that I entered back in through the exit door. This has been going on for a few weeks at least. It's difficult to know as the time here remains unmoved. The same happens when I exit out the windows. I end up falling straight back in from the window I jumped out of.
I'm beginning to feel hopeless. The only messages I can send are through the QC. I've been rationing out food from our vending machines downstairs, and whatever is left in our refrigerator. I'm down to a few snickers bars, which I think can last me another week. I am very weak. I don't know where the hell the seemingly endless water and electricity are coming from, but I can only assume it's not from where I am, and I'm not sure it's endless. I'm noticing the lights flickering on and off more frequently...there. they just did again.
Please. Please, if you read this, I have a feeling I am in an isolated reality that has somehow become detached. I don't even know if this message will reach the same timeline I came from. I have not received any reply so far but I will keep trying. For now, I have some instructions that you must follow very carefully in order to-"
That's it. The message cuts off and The rest is made up of some glitchy looking characters. I don't know. Pretty weird, huh? There are also a few pictures attached that just seem like glitched out jpegs. The internet is shitty here so I'll upload them later when I get to my cousin's house. I'm about to get off at my stop, so I'll have to update in a few hours. I still think this might be some elaborate hoax. Let me know if you have any ideas, and if anything else happens related to this, I'll keep you all posted.
Submitted March 31, 2016 at 03:41AM by Fat_Mermaid http://ift.tt/1M1ka8i nosleep