Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Will keeping jugs of water in my refrigerator save energy? askscience

I live alone for the most part. My fridge is maybe half full at most. Would filling the empty space with cold water from my tap in jugs save energy?

Most answers I've found don't have enough information for me to accept as answers. They assume that you're using only one or two jugs or using small bottles to fill gaps. I'm talking 4 or 5 maybe 6 gallon jugs. Also, they assume cooling from room temperature but the water from the tap is already really cold.

So let's assume the fridge is 12 gallons and it's half filled with food the other half is gallons of water. The water is 50° F before it goes in the fridge. Would this save a significant amount of energy over a month or year?

I don't how how big fridge is. I rent, its not mine.

I don't pay utilities, so I don't really care what the cost is just energy savings.

After writing this, would this be a better question for /r/theydidthemath ?

Submitted March 23, 2016 at 06:44AM by sashslingingslasher http://ift.tt/1XLRK2G askscience

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