Saturday, March 12, 2016

Rewatched Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull... movies

I decided I am having an Indiana Jones movie marathon. After great deliberation, I begrudgingly decided to add the "last movie" to the marathon. I have only seen it once before, and I was always with the majority of people pretending it doesn't exist, citing, among other things, the refrigerator scene to be a load of B.S. ( not the whole surviving a blast thing which would be possible, but the whole he survives after the it crash lands several times thing). as I watched however, I realized it is not so terrible. I mean, sure, it has Shia in it, but what is really so bad about it? People ( Including myself) give it crap for not having a plot that is similar to the others, which upon my new viewing I find to be untrue. As a matter of fact I found out that a lot of the elements in the movie were at one point going to be used in place of The Last Crusade. Yes, there is a lot of unbelievable things happening in it, but if you look into the heart of what the series is, it all fits right in. It is meant to mimic those pulpy dramatic serials from back in the day. So, Indiana is not a realistic action star. He is meant to be imaginative and unrealistic in what he does. Everything that happens in an Indiana Jones movie is meant to be more exciting than the last. ( sorry, I know I am just rambling!) Other people, say that with his age, he wouldn't be able to do what he does in the movie. To that I say if you go on youtube right now, you can find videos of a gymnast who is in her nineties. It is not about the age you look, it is about how well you take care of yourself. plus once again, this is not a portrayal of what a real life man can do, but a portrayal of what a hero of the big screen would do in old age. To those who say, well it is just too much green screen, well you are damn right. I think that is what truly makes it a weaker movie than the other three. What does everybody think?

tldr: Crystal Skull is not as bad as I remember besides green screen and Shia. If you have anything to say about the refrigerator scene, then how does Indi, a lounge singer, and a young asian kid survive faceplanting into the side of a mountain?

Edit: Not trying to say that Shia is an all around bad actor nowadays. What they were trying to do with him would not have worked and his acting has gotten a lot better.

Submitted March 13, 2016 at 03:50AM by McFlyyouBojo movies

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