Friday, March 11, 2016

Ex-Walgreens employee being followed nosleep

This story is a long one and to properly recount it, I must begin in high school. Let me start with some background about myself. I'm a 23 year old lab technician working at a start up company in the Midwest.

While in high school and early in my college career I worked as a service clerk and head trainer for a Walgreens near my house. The store manager was a close friend of my fathers, so I had been working there since the day I turned 16.

Most of my life I have believed in the supernatural. Throughout my high school days, some friends of mine and I had decided we were going to go ghost hunting like they do in TV shows. We went to supposedly haunted places and spent a lot of time trying to find anything with the cameras and recorders we had, but in all of the time we spent looking for the occult, we never found anything. One Sunday morning at Walgreens, I had to explain to my boss/family friend that I was tired because I had spent the night previous driving out to the middle of nowhere to investigate a "haunted" graveyard. To my surprise, my manager revealed to me that the store we were in was, in fact, haunted. Naturally, I wasn't going to believe him without some proof. Later that day there was a lull in activity in the store, so he decided to show me some security tapes of locked doors opening by themselves, carts moving slightly, and items falling off of the shelves. Being a "professional" ghost hunter myself, I didn't think much of what he had shown me and figured he just wanted some excitement in his life, so he made up this fable and latched onto what evidence he could to support it.

The idea of my store being haunted fled my mind and did not return until the next summer. One Saturday morning, a terrible storm ripped through my small town and knocked out power for the entire half of the county. Unfortunately, I was working the front register that morning and so we had to shut our doors and close the store. We had only one party in the store, and it was an elderly group of 4, waiting to pick up their prescriptions before church (despite the pharmacy not having opened yet). While the storm raged on, we had to keep these folks in the store and make sure they were comfortable and safe. We located them as far from any windows as we could and had the cosmetics girl sit and just accompany them and attend to their needs.

This left my manager in the office trying to phone down the district manager to determine if we should open up again without any power (which we thankfully did not). The remaining two employees were myself and the photo technician. He and I were good friends as he was a year older than I and attended the same high school as me. My friend, we will call him Dane, and I were hanging out by the front of the store just to keep an eye out in case someone needed reprieve from the ongoing storm. With little else to do, Dane and I began throwing around a foam football that was normally kept in the office. Without the lights on, and the dark grey clouds blocking out the sun, it was rather dark in the store so Dane and I ended up dropping a few passes.

Upon one such drop, the oddly weighted ball rolled away from me and down an aisle. I jogged after it and while reaching down to pick it up, I noticed a figure standing next to an end stand containing various Q-tips and cotton swabs. I immediately assumed it was one of our elderly customers who had gotten bored. Since we were potentially liable if the windows shattered and they got hurt, I called out to (what I assumed to be) her and asked her to return to the pharmacy waiting area where the others were seated.

The reaction I received gave me goosebumps. The figure tensed up noticeable and hunched slightly. It swiftly turned towards me and just stood there. Realizing it wasn't a customer I focused and tried to make out what it was. The humanoid figure was clothed in a large hooded black jacket that covered it from head to mid calf. I could make out no features on its face as its hood was pulled over its head. It's bare feet seemed to be also human in nature, but bloated with leathery and cracked skin. Again I couldn't see clearly so my imagination may have filled in the blanks to compensate for what my eyes couldn't see.

The creature and I stood motionless for a while, when Dane rounded the corner to come look at what was taking me so long. When he saw it, he had the same initial reaction and asked if she needed anything. As soon as he asked that the creature turned and ran towards the back of the store with impossible speed. My natural reaction was to get my manager and make sure the old folks were ok, but Dane used the fact that I was a rugby player who wanted to look big and tough against me and taunted me into going after it with him.

We followed it into the back hallway where there were 5 different doors we could search behind. 2 were the bathrooms, one was a broom closet, one was the stockroom, and the last was the employee break room. The hallway carried the awful stench of rotten eggs. We had seen enough horror movies to know that whatever we did we needed to stick together. We quickly swept the bathrooms and broom closet and confirmed that they were empty. The stockroom was locked and too large and dark for us to search alone and without power, so we decided we were going to storm the break room and then go inform our manager.

I led the charge into the break room, and despite being over 6 feet tall and over 250 pounds, I was terrified of what we would find behind the door. I pounded the door open with my shoulder with Dane close at my back. He had his flashlight app on over my other shoulder so we could see what was inside. The room was a complete wreck, it truly looked as if the storm had snuck in and destroyed this room as well. The contents of the garbage were all over the floor, as were the contents of the employee fridge. Here the stench of rotten eggs was even stronger. Food and garbage all over the place, but on the table (drawn in barbecue sauce) was a large cross with a circle on top.

At this point we were freaked out, and to make matters worse we heard a soft chuckling coming from the stockroom next door. We did the only thing 2 sensible teenagers would have done. Ran for our lives. We ran out the back and to the office to recount the tale to our manager. I won't discuss the details, but the events of the day were swept under the rug by store management, and without the security cameras on, we had no way to prove our story. This was my last summer at that store and wanted more than anything to forget that surreal encounter, so I put it behind me.

5 years later, I had succeeded in forgetting about the incident and I am currently living with my girlfriend and 4 of our friends. 4 of us, including my girlfriend, were home the other night when a storm passed through. My girlfriend does not do well in storms, so I stayed up to watch some Netflix with her. At about 1 in the morning, we had both dozed off but were quickly woken up to what sounded like a marching band parading through the house. The commotion came from downstairs. I leapt over my bed and ran to the stairs where 2 of my other male roommates were also looking down to find out what had caused the loud crashing noises. We turned on all of the lights and found our kitchen to be an absolute mess. All of our alcohol had been thrown on the ground, our garbage can had been turned upside down, and both of our refrigerators had been emptied onto the ground. What made my skin crawl was the combination of a rotten egg odor, and a cross with a circle on top drawn on the breakfast bar in vanilla yogurt.

I am terrified that this is going to be a recurring event and I have no idea what to do. Please help.

Submitted March 11, 2016 at 01:41PM by GenesisRegards nosleep

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