Tuesday, August 4, 2015

What Just Happened ? nosleep

This happened to me just this morning and it seriously scared me .

So here's a little bit of a background : I am still living with my parents currently and they've always been the strong Christian type . Naturally being a teenager , I've always wanted to rebel from these religious rules and guidelines . Honestly I don't even think it's fully due to my being a teenager , religion just isn't for me . The occult on the other hand has always been an interest of mine , so naturally I do a bit of sneaking around . I have a few books telling me about the basics of the occult and demonology and paganism and just all sorts of stuff related . At one point about a year ago I heard about the popular " Ouija Boards " ( I know , everybody and their mother knows what an Ouija Board is ... I'm slow , okay ? ) . This seriously caught my interest , and I obsessed over learning about them to the point of insanity . I wanted one so bad , but I never went out and bought one for fear of my parents seeing it . Well , yesterday I actually had the guts to borrow one from another friend of mine who was really into the occult . I guess this is the part where I tell what happened .

Me actually using the Ouija Board wasn't really special . I asked a few questions such as " What is your Name ? " ( the name was " Beleth " ... sounds like an Irish spirit , but I don't know ) , " How old are you ? " ( the answer was " Very old " and that was it ) , etc . After little to no actual enjoyment of this Ouija Board , I simply said " Goodbye " and hid it in the hiding spot that I knew my parents wouldn't find . I'll admit , the thing was boring and not as fun or blood pumping as I thought it would be . I went to bed , first checking under my bed in case any visitors came out of the board ( I was still a little paranoid , okay ? ) . Nothing . I went to bed with ease and slept surprisingly well , I don't even remember the dreams I had , which sucked cause I usually keep a journal describing my dreams .

I awoke the next morning and was laying in bed , contemplating life and stuff , when I heard a loud sigh from the other room . My dad is known to be up this early so I thought it was him sipping his cup of coffee and taking a deep breath . After a few minutes or so I hear him hacking up a lung , which I also thought was my dad since he has been smoking since he was 15 years old . Now I hear the home phone ring and I jump up to go get off of the charger , because usually my dad is too lazy to pick it up . I walk into the living room and literally no one is in there . My heart began to race as I remembered every single paranormal story that I red on some subreddit , the " Paranormal Activity " movies , and other stuff that almost gave me a heart attack . I tried my best to brush it off and tell myself that nothing had happened , and walked over to the phone to pick it up . You might say " Oh , this is the part where he finds out that it was his dad calling " . No , it doesn't happen like the horror movies in real life . It was some telemarketer that we never pick up the phone for , so I just hit the " end " button . After this , my mind quickly returned to the incident that happened not 1 minute ago . I started towards my parents bedroom , hoping to find him in bed , but as I got closer to his room I saw a note on the refrigerator . It said " J------ and M------- ( the names of my brother and I ) , I took mom to work this morning and I'll be gone until 1PM . " and after that it was a small list of chores for me to do while he was gone . At this point I was flipping out so bad that I considered calling the cops , but knowing how stupid that would be I just decided not to . I went back in the livingroom and off in the corner something caught my eye . It was a picture of me on the day I was born . At first I didn't find this weird because my parents were flipping through an old photo album last night , so I brushed it off . Once I got back into my room I realised that I specifically remember seeing my parents put the photo album away last night , and I went into the kitchen frequently last night ( I'm a night owl ) and never once saw the photo album out again .

Ever since this happened a few hours ago I've been pretty much crying and pissing myself , because it's so horrifying to think that something might be in my house . I know that I heard those noises and I saw what I saw . I want so badly to call the police but I know they'll just brush it off as a teenager prank calling , I might even get into trouble for it . I have no idea what to do . Can someone on here please help me out ? What do you think it is , a spirit ? Demon ? My imagination ( hopefully ) ? I don't know , all I know is that I'm never touching that damned board again .

Submitted August 05, 2015 at 12:18AM by Jared666999 http://ift.tt/1Dr6QoY nosleep

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