Tuesday, August 4, 2015

(San Diego, CA) Unsure what my next step should be; Landlord/uninhabitable rental situation legaladvice

I moved into this rental in October of 2014 and when I signed the lease everything about the place was in shambles. The landlord agreed to make the very needed repairs and have everything done by the first of January so at this time the rent was set to increase. I have been paying the increased rent although nearly no work has been done to fix this place. The only repair made was to the shower to keep it from leaking. I have no heater, no window or vent in the bathroom, mold and termite damage, wires coming out of my walls, no operable bathroom sink, no smoke/carbon monoxide detector, and there is a leak underneath the kitchen sink. When we moved in there was mice droppings all over the floor and the stove and refrigerator were inoperable and disgusting (mold and dead mice inside). Landlord told me if I could not get the appliances to work he would replace them so I got the hauled to the dump because there was no way they could get up and running again and it was making the rental smell horribly. As soon as the appliances were gone the landlord accused me of selling them for profit and refused to get me working ones, going as far as to say I owe him new ones. Now it is August and my lease ends on September the 1st, I talked to the landlord about getting the repairs made so I could renew the lease and he laughed in my face and said he does not want to rent to me any longer. Currently I am 14 days away from the due date for my first child so I am rather upset to have to move but I know if the landlord didn't make the repairs I was going to have to find a new place anyways because I can't have my baby in these dangerous conditions. I tried to talk to him about my deposit and he said the rental needs to be in pristine condition with no needed repairs for me to get my money back. This is impossible because there is so much to be done and it is not damages that I have made. I have yet to pay the rent this month because I am scared that I will not have enough money to move into a new place without my deposit back. The biggest piece of advice I need would be to understand if I should be withholding rent or paying it now and suing for it back?

Submitted August 04, 2015 at 11:13PM by Poptartzpwn http://ift.tt/1ML7joc legaladvice

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