Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Using it up: just one guy's follow-up on an experiment trying Soylent. Yes it does contain a link to my previous review of Soylent. I'm not trying to drive traffic, though. Please don't click the link. I'm just looking to start a conversation. soylent

I enjoyed my one-day Soylent experiment, http://goo.gl/DKgxsW so I ordered a seven-day supply, which comes in seven bags, just to use for the occasional meal.

Then I realized that the current Soylent product isn't really set up for individual meals. Once you open a bag of the powder, it goes bad in a week. When you mix up a batch, it lasts only 48-72 hours, and that if it's refrigerated..

And besides, even though I eat simple foods, much of it preprepared, I like my meals and snacks.

At first I just figured that my one-week supply was a waste of $70, but then I decided that I could not let that money go to waste. And so I decided to use up the Soylent, consuming each bag over two days, for all of my pre-dinner food on those days. I'll still eat a normal dinner and bedtime snack.

I'm on day one of bag one now, and remembering I actually like this stuff. It's got a pleasant flavor and creamy texture. Smells and tastes a little like cardboard, but in a non-bad way, if that makes sense.

I still can't see living on Soylent, or even getting a significant amount of calories from it every day. That might be a healthier option for people who live on a typical 20-something geek diet -- fast food, alcohol, and coffee -- who seem to be Soylent's target market. But I eat a lot healthier than that normally.

I figure I'll use up this bag tomorrow, then go back to eating normal food for a while, and continue on this pattern, eating Soylent two days a week, until I've used up my one-week supply.

I'll also probably buy a 12-pack of the new, premade, bottled Soylent when that becomes available. http://goo.gl/9PIl8Q Seems like a good thing to have around to put in a briefcase when I'm going somewhere that healthy food might be hard to find. I've been using MealSquares http://goo.gl/LRzDeM for that -- they're tasty and satisfying, but they only last a couple of days outside the refrigerator.

I do enjoy the process of mixing up the Soylent. I should learn more about cooking. I haven't cooked anything more complicated than toast in years.

Submitted August 05, 2015 at 12:46AM by TommyAdagio http://ift.tt/1eQWBi3 soylent

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