Sunday, August 9, 2015

Trip Report: 600 ug LSD + 150 mg MDMA Drugs

This happened a few weeks ago, but I'm just now getting around to wrapping my mind around the experience. This is also the first time I've ever attempted a "trip report," so I apologize in advance for any sloppiness in my writing.

So, on to the trip.

I got off work at 8 PM on Tuesday, and didn't have to work the next day. I had been holding onto 10x 100 ug hits of LSD and 0.5 g of MDMA for awhile, and decided tonight was the appropriate night for a trip. I hadn't tripped in two months, and I was giddy like a little child on Christmas Eve.

I went ahead and also picked up 7 g of Marijuana because I always smoke heavily during trips. I picked up some dinner and then headed back to my apartment to get started.

Two of my friends were already chilling there, stoned out of their fucking minds. It was already a great atmosphere to be immersed in.

I ate my dinner, and then proceeded to blow down close to an 8th of bud with my friends over the course of the next two hours. By the time 10 PM rolled around, my buddies decided they were going to head home and catch some sleep. Sleep? That sounded amazing.

As they left, I realized "Oh shit, I was supposed to trip tonight." I embarrassingly got so stoned that I forgot to eat my LSD. I sat around for a bit contemplating waiting until another time as it was a bit late, but I ended up deciding to go ahead with the original plan.

I am so very happy that I didn't just pass out that night.

I decided to eat 6 hits. If I was going to stay up all night tripping balls, I wanted to trip balls. So, I take the 6 hits, and hop in the shower. It probably sounds weird, but I always take a pre trip shower. I love feeling super clean prior to a trip. I have no idea why. At this point it is 10:45 PM.

After taking a 10 minute shower, I decide to clean up my apartment for a bit on the come up - I like everything to be really clean while tripping. Again, I have no idea why.

Eventually, after cleaning for around 30-40 minutes, I realize something - I am tripping my fucking balls off. Like hard. Really hard. The come up on this LSD was the cleanest I've ever felt that I didn't realize how hard I was tripping initially.

It's time to sit down now.

I lay down on my couch and turn on Wilco's newest album "Star Wars." I get so immersed in that that I end up in a very intense trance like state. I didn't realize my eyes were closed. I only realized my eyes had been closed after the album ended. It's only around 40 minutes long, so at some point I drifted off into some distant place. I remember vividly feeling like I was flying above a straight line. At one point, I dove down into the straight line, and became immersed in colors. The odd thing was that I saw colors I had never seen before. I have no way to explain this, just as I have no way to name those colors. This is one of the first times tripping where I literally had no way to explain what had happened.

I open my eyes, and am a bit confused at first because I never remember closing them. I felt nothing but bliss. Pure, unadulterated bliss. I felt incredible, so I decided to smoke a bowl.

The way marijuana feels to me while tripping must be how a heroin addict feels when they shoot up. I savor every hit, and will always want more later.

The weed added a very spacey head high to trip. Everything felt as though it existed as I saw it, but that it was incomplete. Like a better, more refined version existed in some parallel dimension, but I couldn't reach it.

At this point, I am unsure of the exact time, so I won't reference time anymore. After a certain point during this trip, time didn't seem relevant to my state of existence anymore. So, I'll just recollect the activities I engaged in for the rest of this wild ride.

I decided to watch Samsara. I had watched it before while tripping, but it had been probably a year prior to this. I felt it would be the perfect film for the current situation. I watched it from beginning to end. I won't get into any reactions to specific parts of the film. I will say, however, that I cried at the end. I have not cried in 2 years - I've had no reason to. I cried, though, and I cried hard. Those of you that have seen the film will maybe understand what I mean. It's pretty hard to say anything about a film that says so much without saying a single word.

I have to wonder what an outside party would have thought had they observed my cry session. A 20 year old, 220 lb, 6'2 man sitting in his floor crying his eyes out for some period of time for no apparent reason.

After this, I went back to listening to music. Generally when I trip alone, I end up at some point getting completely lost and immersed in my iTunes library, and I am completely fine with that. I went through various artists for some time before I had the revelation that would subsequently lead to the most intense, emotional trip of my life:

"Oh SHIT, I had MDMA."

Before I knew it, I was weighing some out. I took into account how hard I was tripping and my general inexperience with MDMA (only 2 times prior to this), so I settled upon 150 mg as a reasonable dose (I had taken 200 mg each both of the other times with the same stuff and rolled pretty hard).

I grab a Sweetwater IPA from the fridge, wash the molly down, and go back to my tunes. Within 30 minutes (I'm guessing), my body feels as though it is vibrating intensely, touch sensations are becoming more intense, and I can't quit smiling. Every single sound is like an intense orgasm.

By the time I'm about balls deep in Dan Deacon's discography, something very fucking weird happens. I realize I have a huge fucking boner. I didn't even realize I had gotten hard. This had never happened to me before on drugs, and the reaction that follows is indicative of that.

At first, I can't quit giggling. My athletic shorts look like a circus tent, and I ask myself the question "I wonder if there's a circus going on in there?"

So, naturally, I have to check it out. I pull my shorts down, and immediately bust out laughing hysterically at my own penis. It looked hilarious. Why the fuck is my dick so hard right now? Did Dan Deacon's beautiful music arouse me? If I keep listening will I climax? Is that even possible? What the fuck?

After I get done laughing at my own penis, I smoke 2-3 more bowls. I am tripping my fucking ass off. I realize I still have this huge fucking boner, and it's beginning to worry me. I get stuck in this bad thought loop worrying about my dick for a little while. Eventually I form the following conclusion:

"There's too much blood in my dick. I need to cool it down and maybe the boner will go away. Yeah, that's a good idea."

So I start contemplating ways to cool my dick off. I can't really reach the freezer with it, the fridge might not work right (not sure why I thought this, maybe I weary of refrigerators after Requiem for a Dream), and I don't want to put ice directly on my dick.

My solution? A cold shower. This is no normal cold shower, though. What happened in that shower is the kind of thing I feel a mentally insane person does while showering. Again, I wish an outside source could have observed this. I feel as though it was so fucking weird it was probably funny.

Mostly, just imagine a big, naked ass man wielding his dick like a lightsaber and swinging it through the cold, cascading water like he is Luke Skywalker putting an end to the dark side once and for all.

I have no idea how long this went on, but it actually worked. My dick returned to its normal state, and I was much calmer about the whole situation.

The rest of the evening/morning consisted of me watching South Park, smoking the rest of my weed, and trying to sort out what the fuck just occurred in that room.

All in all, LSD + MDMA is probably my absolute favorite combo now.

Submitted August 10, 2015 at 03:21AM by gammavice Drugs

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