Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Roommate thinks I'm being unfair and petty for not splitting the refunded security deposit 50/50 [Long] badroommates

I previously posted in this forum about how irresponsible and flat-out dangerous my roommate can be by doing things like falling asleep with things in/on the oven and filling the apartment with smoke and ruining my nice and new pots and pans, never cleaning or paying for anything communal expect toilet paper - like cleaning supplies, trash bags, dish soap/pods, etc.

I made the mistake of living signing a new lease with my current roommate, who I lived with previously in another apartment. I had resigned for another apartment with them before I had realized how lousy of a roommate they were and now I'm stuck with them for another year.

Now since I said that we had previously had another apartment together, we had to pay a security deposit for that previous apartment, which I had just recently received back in the mail. We had about a total of $75 taken off of a $400 security deposit between the two of use, who each paid $200. $50 was taken due to my roommate having a lockable doorknob on her bedroom door (which required a key), so they charged about $25 for a new doorknob and about $25 for labor, price-y I know. They also took off $25 for a small cleaning fee because I hadn't gotten behind the stove and refrigerator to sweep and clean.

Now before we even received the deposit back when we were still living in that apartment, I had told my roommate that I wasn't going to be paying for anything that was taken off in their bedroom and I wasn't going to have her pay for anything that was taken off in my bedroom, so we were both going to be held responsible for our own spaces.

We got into an argument earlier about how this refunded deposit is going to be split up and this is where the real story begins. I had told her that since the $50 came from her room that she'd be responsible for biting that bullet and $50 would be subtracted from her portion because it was her room and that we'd evenly split the $25 cleaning fee they had tacked on.

She instantly threw a fit for the most part due to her not thinking it's fair that she's got the $50 fee that she's responsible for. Now, she says that the lock doorknob was there upon us moving in, which could very well be true for all I know; however we had both agreed earlier that we'd both be responsible for our own spaces when it came to the refund check. Whether the doorknob was there upon us moving in or not, it was her responsibility to go through her room with the checklist and mark down anything that might result in us getting a charge when we moved out, aka this doorknob ordeal or any scrapes or chips in the walls.

She says that since this lockable doorknob was there upon moving in and that she didn't do it that I should be half responsible for it, despite the fact that going through her room with the checklist was not my responsibility just like it wasn't her responsibility to go through my room and mark down things. I explained to her during our argument that if this had been my bedroom I would accept that I was negligent upon move in by not noticing it and would bite the $50 bullet and learn and move on since we agreed upon our rooms being our own financial responsibility, but this isn't how the mind of a child works.

She proceeded to tell me that I was being nitpick-y and petty and how she wouldn't be doing this to me because she's not that low, to which I said, "okay, that's nice, I don't care". Granted I know I can be picky and frugal, but that's because I pay for all my things myself, the $200 I put down for a deposit was my own money, not what my parents gave me, which I believe is why she's throwing such a big fit about this. Since her parents paid her $200 deposit she's going to pocket the refund and she's trying to make sure she can get the most she possibly can, despite our previous agreements.

During our argument I just couldn't stop thinking about how here I was with this person that's been so spoiled their entire life and has had someone else pick up for their responsibilities, that they're literally looking for ways to make their fault cost someone else money so they don't have to fully financially responsible for it.

However, I guess I should've expected this from someone who not only made living with them hell, but also made just moving-out of an apartment hell. During the week of our move-out my roommate hardly cleaned anything and ended up having pre-game parties with her friends before going out to the bars, where they ended up spilling drinks all over the kitchen, which I had just mopped since our move-out was only a few days away. My roommate not once offered to mop after that until I yelled at her that she's being a lousy roommate and needs to take some responsibility and help clean the apartment so we can avoid a heavy cleaning fee which was over $200, which she then said that if something needs done that I just need to tell her otherwise she's not going to do it and that she does things on her own time, aka excuses. Then upon the day of move-out all she does is shittly vacuum her room, whip down her desk/dresser and then leaves town because she has an "obligation", aka her friend was graduating and she wanted to see it. So I'm there with the entire apartment that I still have to clean; however, thank god my mom had come up to help me before our noon inspection move-out the next day (they had given us 24hr notice to get from our current apartment to our next, which was a perk of staying with the same realtor compared to many of the other campus apartment realties). My mom and I proceeded to spend hours cleaning, vacuuming, steam cleaning and re-cleaning her room because she still had garbage on the floor and never bothered to move her furniture when she "vacuumed" so there was still tons of garbage behind her dresser, desk, and under her bed that I had to throw out, all on top of re-vacuuming and steam-cleaning the carpet (which took over 2hrs just by itself). Overall, my mom and I spend spent longer than we should've cleaning thanks to her on top of having to clean all the communal areas that she never bothered to touch that I had to scrub down, like the oven, refrigerator, and bathroom.

By leaving early she had forfeited her right to dispute anything upon the move-out inspection, which I had that option too; however, I'm responsible enough to realize it's better to be there. In fact, just me being there during the inspection helped save us a heavy cleaning fee because they didn't think something was clean enough in the kitchen and since I was there, they were like "just wipe it up right now and you'll save yourself the $200 charge", which I gladly did… since I was there… and didn't leave town… like someone.

Now back to the refunded security deposit; when I first received the check and looked at the deductions my first instinct was to also make her responsible for the light $25 cleaning fee since she left early and didn't help with any of the cleaning, but mainly because I had to go through her room and re-clean it and throw out her garbage before I could even start steam-cleaning the carpet in there, which she didn't even put any money towards to rent btw. However, I quickly gave up that dream because I had no idea she'd be such a child when it came to having to be responsible for the $50 that came out of her bedroom, despite the previous agreement we had, and wasn't about to fight with her over $25. I did tell her that I was considering doing that during our argument though and explained to her that she hardly cleaned her room and how she left garbage behind and didn't even fully move all her things out, which I ended up having to bring over to the new apartment… because she left town. Her response to me bringing up how dirty she left her room was of course to lie to me (which she's done before when I've called her out on getting into my things), and say that she cleaned it all up and there wasn't any garbage because she moved her furniture around and everything, which at that point I called her out on her bullshit and said she didn't which then she briefly got quiet before going back to arguing about how the $50 doorknob replacement shouldn't be fully her responsibility despite it being her room and never marking it down on the move-in sheet that we first did when we first moved-in for our OWN rooms, aka holding no responsibility towards each others rooms.

At the end of all of it, the argument ended with her basically calling me nitpick-y and petty and that she wouldn't be holding me fully responsible if our roles were reversed, which is okay because if they were reversed I'd realize "hey, that was there before we moved-in, but I can't dispute it or have any proof so I'm going to have to bite this $50 bullet and uphold my end of our agreement where we said we wouldn't be responsible for each others room charges".

This post turned more into a rant then I expected, I'm just extremely frustrated with how ridiculously irresponsible (and stupid) my roommate is getting.

TLDR: Child roommate thinks she shouldn't be responsible for paying a $50 charge that was related to her room after agreeing with me that we're not going to be responsible for charges in each others rooms.

Submitted August 06, 2015 at 08:03AM by andmeggo badroommates

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