Wednesday, August 5, 2015

I have absolutely no way of contacting my roommate. What should I do? college

I found out who's my roommate is going to be a month ago and I emailed him. He didn't email me back. I thought that it was because no one checks their college email often and that he would respond to me a couple of weeks later or something. He never did.

Now I'm getting fed up, that guy doesn't have a Facebook profile, a twitter profile or anything like that. When I google his name, nothing related to him appears. I have absolutely no idea what my roommate is like, I don't even know what he looks like.

I need to contact him because I needed to discuss a few things like who's going to bring a TV, a refrigerator, a microwave or stuff like that.

Is it weird that my roommate isn't contacting me back? Because my friends said that my roommate is probably going to be a weirdo or a dork because all normal people should have a way for you to contact them and well, I don't want a weirdo/dork as my roommate. What should I do?

Submitted August 06, 2015 at 07:59AM by collegequestionta college

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