Monday, August 3, 2015

Chicken Wings, chicken wings everywhere! TalesFromTheFrontDesk

No matter how I type this story, it's going to come off racist. I apologize in advance if I offend anyone by telling the events exactly as they occurred.

I arrive to work to my manager shaking her head in disbelief. I inquire as to what could possibly be so bad that I have to deal with it right as I clock in..

She informs me that #128 + #130 are to be asked to leave when they show up. Also, they have been charged a Deep Cleaning fee of 250$. I chuckle and ask why. She shows me the pictures she took of the room and it was disgusting.

I tried to get the photos but in all honesty, it was in bad taste and I couldn't think of a valid reason to get them, so I ended up leaving it alone. Sorry everyone.

The pictures showed a normal hotel room that had undergone some sort of apoco-poultry-lypse. The room was covered in wing sauce, bits of chicken wings, chicken breasts. A skin here, a bone here. Some sort of silence of he lambs montage happening on the side of the television. Cups (8-10) of sauce had been poured on he walls, bed, floor and refrigerator. It looked like it was enough to feed a family of 8 really hungry hefty people.

The story goes that Housekeeping walked into the room, had a panic attack and then called my manager. Pictures were taken, housekeeping picked everything up and put it into a trash bag (which weighs in at 35lbs). The fee was charged to the CC and the company that was paying for their room (insurance company) was contacted and informed of the situation.

Now as my day went on I was dreading and looking forward to kicking these people out with the receipt for the 250$. My joy outlasted my dread.

Fast forward to the fun stuff

In walks this African woman (she is from Africa, passport provided) with a plastic hair net on. Lo and behold it's room 128 + 130. She starts in that they lost their keys(she's full of shit, I deleted her keys from the system). I kindly set in and tell them that they will be departing tonight. She asks why, I tell her about the Chicken Wing party, she understands and doesn't fight me on it one bit.

I show her the Deep Cleaning fee and she doesn't bat an eye. Just says she understands and then looks at her son and says

See what you've done? You've costs us 250$

She asked if she can stay until they've packed up the rooms. I reply that I will give her 20 minutes to vacate.

She starts arguing

She starts in with.

But we have to find someplace to stay

Ma'am you have 20 minutes.

Couldn't you give us an hour?

No ma'am. You have 20 min, if you aren't done and gone by 20 minutes, I will have you collected.

She leaves

Fast forward 20 Minutes

I hear screaming in the parking lot. I get up and go investigate and I see two African boys, shirtless, whooping and jumping whilst running and screaming through the parking lot. As they get closer, I can make out some profanities and some verbal violent intentions towards someone.

Before I can investigate further, the African woman runs in and starts screaming for me to contact the police. I waited and tried to figure out why I would be calling the police and finally she told me that they were fighting.

It seems the boys are fighting with their father about the Wing Sauce issue. The father is rightly pissed and he slapped Botha the boys upside their heads in anger. The boys, being the coddled youth of today, start screaming and panicking and saying they're gonna kill him etc...

One of the kids, runs out onto the highway and throws something at a passing car. It connects. Now we have another problem.

Meanwhile, I'm on hold reiterating everything to dispatch, waiting for her to say she is sending a unit. I get the wonderfully racist remark that I've got two black boys, shirtless, beating on their chest.

Dispatcher - What do you mean they're beating on their chests?

Well, uhm, they are uh, fuck. They're acting like monkeys. They're throwing chicken around the room like animals and now they're beating their chests like a couple of gorrillas.

I actually heard her chuckle.

Dispatcher - Sir, you said they were throwing chicken around? Can you explain...?

I explained all about the chicken war the two African boys had in the room. I get another chuckle.

Cops finally show, sit the boys down and talk to them. Father is ever so cool about it. From personal experience, I recognize the anger and the buildup behind his eyes. He's trying to be cordial to me about the whole thing but in reality he wants to beat his kids. I don't blame him, not in the slightest.

If that had been me, which it never would have been, my ass and my cheek would have been fucked up. But no, kids today are fragile, coddled, sheltered by the SJWs of recent generations.

They finally left. Kids are still making a scene. But I got to be racist without trying to be racist all while making a 911 Dispatcher chuckle.

Good day.

Submitted August 04, 2015 at 08:13AM by ARedWerewolf TalesFromTheFrontDesk

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