Monday, August 3, 2015

You know those people who just suck the happiness out of the room as soon as they walk in? Nmom, ladies and gentlemen. [Real-time Vent] raisedbynarcissists

So, just now, Edad thought it would be nice for us to make little personal pizza things for dinner, like we made on Mother's Day.

NMom is a vegetarian, and doesn't like a lot of different foods, but she enjoyed making her own pizza when it was her idea on Mother's Day.

Nmom liked it, they were fun, and they were tasty so that would be nice to have tonight, right?

Well, eDad used our pizza stone and apparently theres something on it that made it smell (the stuff on it being burned off, apparently. he tried to clean it but there was still residue on it). So when I went in, I noticed there was a slight smoky smell. Not actual smoke or anything visible. No big deal, though, it'll go away.

Edad chopped up artichoke hearts, basil, onions, and had pizza sauce ready for us to make. How nice of him. I made my pizza, it was nice, I enjoyed it. I thanked EDad, and we heard NMom open the garage door on her way home from work.

NMom comes home and as SOON as she sets foot in the door, here it comes:

"OhhhhHHHHHHHHHHh oh OHHHH this is HORRIBLE. Oh my god, this is HORRIBLE. Someone get me a wet paper towel, hurry, i'm going to get asthma. GET ME A WET PAPER TOWEL. RIGHT NOW. You know I can't handle smoke or perfume or smells! Ohhhhhhhhhhh! YOU ARE TRYING TO MAKE ME SICK! IS THAT WHAT YOURE FUCKING TRYING TO DO?!"

Meanwhile, I'm just sitting here eating and she's yelling at the both of us through a wet paper towel. She's moaning and groaning and her speech is muffled and she sounds so nasty as she's holding the towel up to her face, still complaining about the smell and then looks at me while I'm eating with a stupid, innocent look on her face, "Did you make mine? Where's miiiine??"

Dad: "We didn't know what you wanted on yours, so we're all making our own."

Mom: "This is just awful! Oh! It will take HOURS for the smell to go away. THE SMOKE IS IN THE DRAPES. ITS IN THE HOUSE. YOURE TRYING TO MAKE ME SICK ON PURPOSE."

I cleaned up my plate, put the rest of my slice in the refrigerator, and went upstairs. She's still screaming.

I am so used to feeling my stomach sink and feel this incredible sense of dread when I hear the garage door open. THIS IS WHY.

As I was putting my pizza away, I sighed and shook my head. EDad is standing next to me, and spits at me through his teeth "DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANYTHING."

What the fuck. What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Not once, in all the years here, have I ever, EVER, heard her say 'Thank you' to Edad or myself for making dinner and feeding her when she gets home from work.

She has been angry and mean to eDad since I was born, and they have issues they needed to resolve decades ago, which has apparently given her a free pass to bitch and shit on everything he does and step on everything when he tries to do something nice.
Even if you absolutely can't stand someone, there are a FEW DAYS out of the year when you actually, genuinely enjoy someone's company, especially if they are doing you a favor.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

[Side Note: Seeing her behavior embarrasses me and reminds me of the FLEAs I most likely picked up from her. I was extremely dramatic in a past relationship of mine, and I complained a LOT. I realize now where this comes from and I wish I could tell my poor ex-boyfriend that I'm sorry.]

Submitted August 04, 2015 at 08:11AM by AdorableEgg raisedbynarcissists

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