Monday, August 3, 2015

[Critique] My first short story... thing. (x-post r/writingfeedback) WritersGroup

Ok, a little background. I've always had major anxiety about writing and today I tried to take on a writing contest on another sub just for fun. I found that I really, really enjoyed it and now I don't know why I had so much anxiety and I want to write more and more.

So, here's the story I wrote for the contest and I would love feedback on it. The prompt I received was to write a story based on /r/Glitch_In_The_Matrix

July 29, 2015

Am I going insane? Are all of my friends right about me? I'm not sure what's happening anymore. Maybe it is all in my mind. Maybe it is just a strange coincidence. But I'm not sure that coincidences exist anymore. They say I need help. I'm not ready for that yet. I'm not ready to admit that none of my memories are real. Why are they in my mind if they never happened? They seem closer to reality than anything else right now. If there even is a reality. But why doesn't anyone else remember?

There was a time when I knew what was happening. A time when people believed me. When I wrote all of my hypotheses here. All the evidence we had. All the tests we did. Those pages are missing. Did they ever exist? Am I insane? I don't feel insane, but does insanity ever feel insane? I'm so tired. Maybe the whole world is insane.

August 2, 2015

I saw him again today. Max. I see him most days. I was hoping he would recognize me this time. He didn't. He never does. He hasn't since… well, since we were engaged. At least I think we were engaged, that's what my memories tell me. Science tells us that the human memory is terrible. It can't be trusted in a court of law so why am I trusting mine? I guess because I don't know what else to trust right now.

I chose not to talk to him today. It doesn't really matter. I told Amy that he doesn't recognize me, even if I speak to him every day. Once I spoke to him every day for an entire year and he still doesn't know who I am. She said he probably has brain damage. She also told me I'm a creep, a stalker. She asks why I'm so infatuated with a random man I see in the coffee shop every day. A man who doesn't even know who I am. A man who clearly, to her, has some serious problems. I'm sure Amy was going to my maid of honor but she says I haven't had a single stable relationship since middle school.

The following has been confiscated from the journal of Subject #CLE1588349 a.k.a Clara Louise Eden:

March 14, 2009

I met a wonderful man at the coffee shop today! His name is Max. We sat there and talked for hours. I completely forgot I had classes today. I think I made him forget about classes, too. We're going to meet there again tomorrow.

Could this be love? … Ok, Clara, don't get carried away. It just feels so right.

November 3, 2010

Something weird happened today. I swear I finished off the last slice of bread. I'm certain there wasn't another loaf in the pantry or anywhere else for that matter. Max woke up and came into the kitchen and started making himself a sandwich and in his hand was a full loaf of bread. I looked in the trash and I didn't even see the bag from the loaf that I thought I had thrown away. I told Max and he laughed and said "You know Clara, for a scientist, you sure do love these conspiracy theories." I searched everywhere for the bag from the previous loaf and couldn't find it. It was as if it regenerated. I know that sounds nuts. I just don't know how else to explain what happened.

March 14, 2011

He proposed! I can't believe it. Well, I can… but I can't! I'm too happy to write anymore right now! I need to call Amy!

April 1, 2011

Well, Max believes me now. No one can ignore what has happened. Last night Casper, our cat, was hit by a car. We were both devastated. He was dead. I know it. He was completely dead. He was… I don't want to think about it. All I know is that there was no way he could possibly be alive after what we saw. Max scooped Casper up from the street and found a box to put him in. He said we'd bury him tomorrow… well, today. Today Casper is alive. He is alive. He doesn't have a single scratch on him. Max has ignored what I've been saying all along. Food being replaced. I haven't had to replace my shampoo bottle in months. It just keeps… refilling? Max thinks it's a practical joke I'm trying to play. Now he knows what I've known all along. I don't know how to feel. Casper is alive… I'm so happy Casper is alive. Max isn't talking. I just realized it is April Fools Day. What the fuck? What kind of sick joke is this? Is this… a joke?

April 10, 2011

Max and I have been talking about what happened. We haven't told anyone. Well, I told Amy the night Casper died. She was so angry when she found out he was alive. She thought I was joking. I didn't know how to tell her that I was really the one being fooled with. Anyway, we're going to start running tests. Max has some ideas. He's wiring our apartment with cameras right now. We're going to start keeping inventories of everything we purchase, of everything we use and don't use. We need to know everything. We need to have proof.

April 23, 2011

We caught something on camera! There hadn't been any incidents since Casper reanimated. We thought we truly had gone nuts. But it happened. We used up all of the orange juice. It was gone. The video showed that it was gone. I threw it in the trash. Then there was static and there it was, back on the shelf in the refrigerator again. God damn that static, no one will believe us. They'll say it's video trickery. But I think we're getting closer.

December 19, 2012

Max says we have enough evidence. We have undeniable proof. He set up an appointment for us to see Dr. Richards about it on January 8th. I'm so nervous, what if they think it's all trickery? But the experiment we did with Casper - they just can't deny it. Poor Casper… but what choice did we have? We had to get undeniable evidence.

January 8, 2013 (Clara Louise Eden's first journal entry since March 13, 2009)

He's gone. Max is gone. I called the police. They said he must've moved out since he took everything with him. They said I was being hysterical. They said I had to calm down or they would take me away. How could he have moved out so cleanly? All his stuff gone overnight? And the day we're supposed to see that doctor… what was his name? Oh god, what was his name? All the videos are gone. All my journal entries. I know there were journal entries. I know I've journaled since 2009. Of course I have. I remember everything. Where is that cat… wasn't there a cat?

January 12, 2013

I went to the coffee shop today. Max was there! He was there! I talked to him, but he didn't seem to recognize me. Maybe he's angry with me. But, he was so kind. Just as kind as before… were we engaged?

January 13, 2013

I went to the coffee shop again today. Max was there again. I spoke to him and he didn't even recognize me from yesterday. Nevertheless I continued to talk with him, we talked for hours. It was wonderful. Just like when we first met. I mean… yeah, when we first met. It really happened. He has to recognize me tomorrow.

January 14, 2013

He was there again. He didn't remember me from yesterday, he didn't remember our conversation at all. Eventually he'll have to remember, right?

Submitted August 04, 2015 at 07:37AM by Cosmicjive WritersGroup

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