Thursday, August 6, 2015

36[M4f] Old Friends from High School dirtypenpals

Ever since I'd heard you were coming, I'd been cleaning my apartment as if my parents were coming to visit. I'd vacuumed, swept, mopped, dusted, and scrubbed just about everything. The bathrooms were spotless, the kitchen looked sublime, and I'd probably visited the laundromat a half-dozen times. I'd changed sheets, put away all of my clothes (instead of just leaving them atop the bed in the guest room), and otherwise done everything that I could to make sure that I looked 'well-put together'.

I'd even cleaned out the refrigerator!

It was silly, and I knew it was silly. This was a business trip and you had asked to crash on my couch for three days. I'd upgraded you to the guest room, talked you into staying the weekend, and promised to show you a good time around town. Yes, you'd sent a picture of the bikini you'd be bringing with you, and yes, I very much wanted to see what you'd look like in that. It was still just a friendly visit between friend who were totally just friends.

...who, admittedly, flirted online like a pair of horny teenagers. Still! One friend, doing a solid for another, no strings-attached and no expectations of anything other than seeing you in a bikini and listening to you laugh at my stupid jokes. Just like you used to do back in High School.

We'd been decent friends back then. I'd always been able to make you laugh, and you'd always filled my stomach with butterflies with your very presence. My heart would nearly stop when you'd touch my arm. Nothing ever happened, of course, just a few witty comments in our respective yearbooks. I'd always wanted something to happen but it just never did.

You started dating someone, it got pretty serious, and we'd kind of drifted apart. You went off to School, somewhere up in New York if I remembered correctly, and I stayed home and went to the University of North Florida. We fell out of contact, and our lives went in their separate directions until you poked me on facebook a few months ago and we started talking again.

We'd both become 'respectable adults'. With degrees, 9-5 jobs, exes, debt, and children. I mostly only saw mine on the weekends, they spent the rest of their time with their mother and the other guy that they called 'Daddy'. You understood, sympathized, and we'd shared stories about the unique joys of still being single after your former spouse has remarried.

We'd chat throughout the day in text messages and emails; it felt almost like we were real friends again. More than, even, given some of the things we'd type at each other. I'd heard your voice again after I'd finally convinced you to get Skype on your phone, and we'd chatted for hours, into the early hours of the morning.

I'd thought that I was over stupid childhood crushes, but when you asked if you could crash on my couch and I'd agreed without even thinking it over, I realized that I wasn't. I'd fallen for you, all over again, despite the thousands of miles that separated us and it was like we were back in High School all over again.

Except we weren't, and we were separated by thousands of miles on different sides of the country. Our lives were established and comfortable, if not perfect, we even had kids. This wasn't going to go anywhere. I knew that without even asking; even if we wanted it to go somewhere...

None of this stopped me from heading down to the Airport late on Tuesday evening and picking you up. Your plane had gotten in just when it was scheduled; Midnight.

When people started to pour out of the terminal, I stood and started glancing through the crowd. I was looking for you, my memory fresh from pictures we'd exchanged, and wondering just what it was that I'd gotten into....

Hey there! I'm Brandon, and this here is my prompt.


If you're interested in this, please, I welcome you to jump right in and toss me a reply which keeps the story moving. You're basically just getting off the plane, it's been a long flight and its pretty fucking late. We won't be getting home until 1am, minimum, and you're sore and exhausted.

You also have work in the morning. Most likely some kind of consulting gig with a distant office, or a conference, or something that means that you need to get some sleep and be ready to go and do shit other than macking on your old friend.

Maybe you very very much want to spend time hanging out with me but we both know that is going to have to wait. We'll fit in what time we can,-- I'll come take you out to lunch, we'll have dinners together, and of course, we have the weekend.

Come Sunday evening, though, you're getting back on a plane and heading away. You won't be back, either, at least not anytime soon and neither of us are in a place where we can contemplate moving cross-country. Maybe something develops between us, maybe we wish things were different, but while I like the idea of this being a romantic story..

...ultimately, it's going to have a sad ending in that regard.

Anyway, if anyone actually responds to this, I look forward to getting to know your character (all over again). I have no real presuppositions with regard to who you are, what you look like, or anything like that. We're both older, and should be the same age, though I'm flexible on the exact age. I'd like to keep this reasonably close to my age though. So, something like 30-39 is a good target for this.

Kink-wise, I'm picturing this as pretty vanilla, but-- feel free to check out my DPPprofile if you need more of an idea of who I am and what kind of stuff I'm into. I'm more than open to bring whatever kinks you're interested in into this too.

That said, I'm picturing this as a story first and a sexy-bit of erotica second.


The build up will make the eventual sex-scene all the better.

Submitted August 07, 2015 at 12:17AM by CrownedSun dirtypenpals

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