Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What happened? Water bath for okra, cans didn't seal, put them in refrigerator, they were sealed the next morning. Canning

This is the order of events that happened:

  1. Had a canning party with bae, we canned a bunch of okra with apple cider vinegar (white vinegar is made from GMO corn, omgz!). 12 cans total. We water bathed for 10 minutes each (long enough?).
  2. Right after the water baths, 6 of the cans were sealed and 6 were still had the clicking bubble.
  3. An hour later I checked the cans, now 10 of the 12 were unsealed. I was somewhat upset at this point, I figured I'd put them in the refrigerator and try another water bath to seal them tomorrow.
  4. I wake up the next morning, 12 hours since putting them in the fridge and found that all 10 cans in the refrigerator were sealed (no clicking bubble). I left them outside the fridge for 24 hours and they stay sealed. . . What could have caused this? I'm thinking, maybe when I put the still-warm cans in the refrigerator, the steam may have built up pressure inside and sealed them? . Does it have something to do with the apple cider vinegar, but this doesn't make any sense to me, how would the vinegar seal the cans? . Could it be that the okra fermented and the lactic acid built up pressure? If so, wouldn't the cold temperature of the fridge have slowed down the fermentation process? . Do you recommend any organic white distilled vinegar for canning? I don't want all my okra tasting like apples!

Submitted August 05, 2015 at 07:36PM by DamienDaRacer Canning

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