Sunday, August 9, 2015

My (F34) husband (38M) of 5 years raped me 2 days ago. I think there may be forgiving circumstances, but I don't know how to get past this.. relationships

Okay so my life recently turned from a pretty normal to a hell that I had never envisioned about two days ago. My husband was hanging out with his friends on a Friday night which was pretty usual. They generally drink a bit while playing pool at his friend Paul's house and they occasionally smoke weed when his sketchy friend Angelo comes to hang out with them. I am (was) okay with all of this as I love staying home and taking care of our 2 children (2M and 4F) and watching netflix. He usually comes home afterwards and we have a nightcap while watching something on TV and go to bed.


Friday night was different. Apparently, his friend Angelo (very very sketchy) laced their weed with PCP. My husband, Phil (all names are changed for anonymity) and his friends very quickly realized that they were not just smoking regular weed and began freaking out. My husband came home immediately (about a 2 block walk) and I knew something was different immediately when he came inside. He normally only has 3-4 drinks and never gets belligerent, but this time he came in and I thought he was just very drunk. Belligerently drunk. He started yelling for me and I told him calmly that he needed to calm down because our children were just put to sleep. He told me that he didn't care if our children heard and he wanted them to know something or other. I really didn't understand him sometimes because he would jumble his speech and rarely could form coherent sentences.


I was pleading with him to tell me what was going on because I have seen him drunk before, but never like this. He's usually a happy drunk and just passes out. My husband has NEVER been violent before this. He hardly even gets angry. But Phil was a mixture of happy and angry during this and at one point he started yelling "we just gotta" over and over again. I was almost yelling to him to just calm down and telling him that if he didn't I'd call the police so we could take him to the hospital. He then picked up a knife from the kitchen and told me "you don't call the police" and was menacing about it. I was scared out of my life. I had no idea what to do.


He then started taking off all his clothes and started rummaging around in the refrigerator. He grabbed a gallon of milk and started pouring it into a glass that was already full on the counter and i tried to take it away from him, but he kept pouring it almost all of it getting on the floor. The he turned on me.


I tried to fight him off and at one point I locked myself in the guest room, but he just kicked in the door. Then he tore off my clothes and began having sex with me. at this point i just shut down. I wasn't even yelling because I didnt want my children to hear. He finally finished with me and ran into our bedroom. He ran around breaking things in the bedroom for an hour and finally went to sleep. I just cried all night long and had no idea what to do.


He woke up the next morning and immediately came to find me and was scared out of his mind. He told me that he and his friends had no idea what was in the weed they were smoking but it was not normal. He was crying the whole time trying to apologize to me. Long story short, I told him that I needed some time and I brought our kids to my parents house and then went to a hotel. I have basically just been staring at a wall for the last couple hours trying to figure out what to do, but I can't. My husband has been blowing up my phone explaining what happened but I havent responded. He claims that his sketchy friend Angelo put some PCP in their weed to prank them. He and his friends had a huge fight with Angelo and he told me that he has cut contact with him. I still haven't responded to his texts. I have no idea what to do. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me and a thousand times worse than anything that's ever happened in our marriage. the biggest fight prior to this was about whether or not to raise our children with religion or let them determine for themselves. I have no idea what to do or who to talk to.. I don't know if I can ever forgive my husband for this.


tl;dr Husband raped me after being dosed with PCP by a (now ex-) friend as a "prank". My life is falling apart

Submitted August 10, 2015 at 07:06AM by pcp_throwaway relationships

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