Sunday, August 9, 2015

Jeremy Farechild (Pt. 3) nosleep

  • You can find previous parts of the story here: 1,2. Part four will be posted on Monday 8/10/15 @ 7:00pm pst.

Jessica dodged the stranded wooden chair, maneuvered around the kitchen island, hurdled over the broken glass and slid across the floor on her knees to get to him. Scrambling to compose herself she let out a peep of distress that something might be terribly wrong. “Sweetie..” Jessica whispered, “Are you okay? What's wrong?”

Trying to get response from her brother she waved her arms back and forth in front of his face. Light peered in from the window above the door aside of Jeremy as his eyes made contact with a glimmer around his sisters wrist. He made it clear that he wanted the distracting object by letting out a grunt and extending his hand forward like a child begging for candy.

“The hairband?” she asked, confused at the request. Jeremy grunted, shook his head in approval to her question and pointed at the hair tie. “Is this what's bothering you?,” she asked, making a questionable face and squinting her eyes. “Yes.” he said. Jeremy tried to snatch the hairband off of his sisters wrist as she pulled her arm away from him and held it tight against her chest. “No. You can't have it.” Jessica said, now retreating back in speculative anger. “Just because you're having a hard time grieving her death doesn't mean you get to keep all of her belongings. Mom dying hurt all of us, you know. Not just you, Jeremy.” She slid the hairband slowly down her wrist and it began twisting around itself like a snake attacking it's prey. “Besides...,” Jessica stretched the hairband around her fingers and wrapped her hair up into a ponytail, “It looks better on me, anyway.”

She rolled back with the balls of her feet to stand up in one fluent, graceful motion and headed over to the fridge. “If you don't want to talk to me, that's your choice. Your father and I have tried to work with numerous shrinks and psychologists for you to talk to. So exccuuuuuseeeeeee me for trying to help by asking you what's wrong.” She opened the refrigerator door, grabbed an assorted vegetable mix on the middle shelf and set them on the counter behind her.

Jeremy bent both his arm at the side of his body, forcefully pushed off the ground and launched himself upright. He stared at his feet in silence with his head tilted down and chin tucked slightly back. Thoughts, words and pictures were screaming loudly at his sister, but he kept them locked inside his mind in fear of retaliation. The things that were happening to him were jeopardizing his mental integrity and he refused to let anyone assume he was insane. “I didn't ask you for help,” he muttered.

Jessica twirled the the kitchen knife in a circular motion in her right hand as she extended her left arm and let out a fancy curtsy, “Then I won't offer my services to you anymore, sire,” she said. Chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop. The knife hit the wooden cutting board at an accelerated rate and Jeremy could feel the intensity as his sister chopped the produce. “By the way,” Jessica stopped cutting and pointed the knife at Jeremy. “You can do your own laundry from now on,” she said, shrilly and condescending. “Piss boy.”

Still looking down, he realized there was a dark, thin line that went from his left inner thigh down to the bottom of his pant leg. “Shit,” he said, now frantically running through the kitchen and into the foyer. Jeremy could hear his sister yell from the kitchen as he made his way up the monstrous flight of stairs, “Piss! Not shit!,” she said, laughing hysterically. He held his pant leg away from his thigh and hobbled into the guest bathroom next to his bedroom door. “When did I fucking piss myself?,” he asked, smacking his head with the palm of his hand. “I'm so stupid!”

The drawstring on his pants were clumped together in a maniacal, jumbled, mess so he bypassed the effort and slid the pants down to his ankles. Jeremy picked up the pants and gave them a quick sniff and gagged at the smell of his urine. It had a rancid, pungent scent that mimicked the smell of dehydration and must. “I need to lay off the soda,” he said, tossing the pants over the shower curtain and into the tub. “Do your own laundry. Meh, meh, meh,” he whispered, mocking his sister's words under his breathe. “House keeping.” Jeremy dangled his hand in the air pretending to ring an imaginary bell. “I have a pair of piss stain pants in the shower that need attending,” he said, laughing at his diabolical plan. “She can clean that up.”

Jeremy was adamant on throwing on a fresh pair of clothes and avoiding the shower at all cost until his sister found the trap he'd left for her. “This'll have to do for now,” he said, crouching down and opening the cupboard doors under the bathroom sink. It was an astonishing sight to see how everything was in it's own bag, labeled and placed neatly in it's own designated spot. “Jesus Christ, Sis,” he said, lifting the unopened bottles of hotel shampoo off the dainty shelf. The bottles were neatly zipped up inside the plastic bag in alphabetical order and tied together with rubber bands. He put the shampoo bottles back on the shelf and noticed that everything under the cupboard was identically arranged the same exact way. “Where did she put the...,”Jeremy moved his body sideways and positioned his shoulder up against the top side of the cabinet. “There we go,” he said, fumbling the stack of washcloths between his fingers. Just as he was about to pull his arm out from underneath the cabinet the shower and sink faucet's turned on at max velocity. He knocked over all of the toiletries underneath the sink and jolted himself back against the bathroom wall. The ferocious sound of water spewing itself into the porcelain vessels broke his sanity as he stared wide-eyed at the paranormal display. “GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” Jeremy's voice cracked and shifted from a yell to a cry mid sentence. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!”

At the cue of his words the bathroom door slammed shut and locked him inside. He began yelling and banging on the door to get his sisters attention, “JESSICA! HELP ME!”, he said. Condensation started dripping down the walls of the bathroom from the steam of the scolding water. A jungle-like mist hued the bathroom preventing Jeremy from seeing further than a few feet ahead of him. The temperature in the bathroom got hotter and hotter as sweat began to pour down from his face and onto his shirt. Air in the room became thinner with each breathe he took, causing a dizzy spell and dropping him to the floor. His vision now blurry from the mist and sweat that had dripped into his eyes. He rolled over onto his butt, bent his knees with his toes pointing toward the bathtub and his back against the bathroom door. Water overflowed onto the floor, spreading to each corner of the bathroom. Jeremy retracted his legs to prevent the water from touching his feet for as long as he could, but there was no where else to go. As soon as the water on the floor made contact with his foot the shower curtain flew open and the faucets immediately turned off. Jeremy lifted his soaked t-shirt from his body and attempted to wipe the sweat and water from his eyes. He pulled his shirt back down from his face and jumped at the sight of a silhouette in the shower. It looked like the outline of a person, but he was unsure due to the mist blocking his ability of sight. The silhouette seamlessly stepped over the edge of the tub and stepped toward Jeremy. The suction sound of moisture could be heard each time it's foot was lifted and the sound of mush when it was set back down. Step.... Step.... Step... Step... He didn't dare look up to see what was looking at him as his eyes stayed focused on the feet of the creature until it was inches away from him. It's blood soaked gown veiled it's feet as it began to crouch down to eye level with Jeremy. He trembled in fear and closed his eyes. The creature let out a death piercing shriek as particles of blood and black sludge flew from out of it's mouth and onto Jeremy's face. “GO AWAY!” he said, crying out in fear.

A soft knock on the door behind him caused him to open his eyes. Everything in the bathroom was back to normal. The sink was turned off, the shower curtain was closed, there was no water on the floor and the cabinet under the sink was opened with the various toiletries knocked over. His hands shook and stomach churned from the impressionable amount of anxiety inside of him. He scrambled across the bathroom floor to make it to the toilet, but didn't get to it in time. An uncontrollable amount of vomit exited his mouth and onto everything in front of him. “Are you okay in there?” Jessica said, softly knocking on the bathroom door. “I'm coming in. Cover your junk, I don't need to see that, okay?”

Jessica opened the bathroom door to find puddles of vomit and her brother's piss stained pants in the shower-tub. “Seriously, Jeremy?” she asked, patronizingly. Jeremy looked up at his sister to give a response or reason as to what had happened but she spoke before he had a chance, “Oh my god. Sweetie you don't look well. You're face is pale and you're sweating. Go lay down and I'll take care of this mess, okay? Jessica rubbed his back consolingly. “Go on. I'll take care of it. Lay down,” she whispered. She aided Jeremy out of the bathroom and up to his bedroom door. “This is as far as I go, Hun.” Jeremy nodded, opened his bedroom door and quickly threw himself inside while closing the door behind him. He could hear Jessica let out an agitated sigh from behind his bedroom door but paid little attention to it. The shock began to settle in as his body lulled side to side, nauseated from the various smells in his bedroom and the copious towers of possessions blocking his makeshift paths. “Ughhhh.... I don't feel so good,” he said, stumbling on, and around the clutter on his floor. “If Moses could part the sea, then I should be able to-,” Jeremy's legs wobbled from exhaustion until he collapsed to the floor. “I cant move,” he said, laying on the pile of trash and magazines in front of him. There was nothing in his mind except a cultivating thought of rest and his eyes gradually closed shut. Immediately once his eyes shut, a light flashed on his face and startled him to an awakened state.

There was a slight light peering from over his desk chair and onto his face. “Not again,” he said, lifting his head. Struggling to move his body to an upright position, he grabbed a hold of his bed frame and propped himself on his bed. He looked over at the light source to see text infinitely looping on his computer monitor;

Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy.

Any of the will or strength he had left was quickly dissipated as he fell backward onto the bed and passed out. Knock, knock, knock, “Honey? I'm going to go back downstairs and continue cooking, okay?” Jessica said, trying her best not to disturb her brother. “I'll come check on you in about an hour when dinners ready, kayyyy?” Jessica rested her hand against her brothers door in good faith as she waited for a response... nothing. A gloomy silence hung over Jeremy's bedroom as she wishfully waited... again, nothing. “Okay Jeremy, I'll be back,” There was an uneasy feeling in her gut at the lack of her brothers response, but felt nothing serious of it. Stepping down each step, Jessica counted the steps out loud like the both of them did when they first moved in and ended with a loud, “Thirty-seven!” Any thoughts of the happier times between the siblings always brought a cheerful smile to her face, even in the harshest of times. “That's not where I left you,” she said, tilting her head to the side and scratching the back of her neck. Unknowingly, the jar of pickles was back on top of the counter top and out of the foyer. She grabbed the jar off the counter and placed it into it's respective spot in the refrigerator. “Shoot! I forgot to start a load of laundry for Jeremy!” she said, running back up the stairs and into the bathroom.

Submitted August 10, 2015 at 07:30AM by EdenRenellaJones nosleep

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