Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Convincing my grandmother. Advice

Ever since I was younger, a couple of things have always been apparent to me. The first was that my family didn't have a lot of money, which occurred to me crushingly back when I was in grade school, and was convinced by TV shows that parents always had college funds for their kids. The second is that the person who "raised" me - my grandmother - is a completely irresponsible person, and I'd be better off not having anything to do with her.

Unfortunately for me, I don't have the job needed to just run away from the situation I'm in, and I swear that as the years go by the problems just keep getting worse. There's a whole slew of things; from the fact that it'll cost $17,000 to replace the worn out roof, to the fact that our wiring is all sorts of fucked up, but the most pressing problem now (at least until the winter comes) is that our refrigerator is broken. I need to convince my grandmother to get a new one, but this is a woman who has gone more than five years without a working furnace (we live in Michigan), because she didn't want to call a mechanic (feared she'd be embarrassed about the state of the house) and because she didn't want to buy a new one. And a woman who replied with indignation when I told her my first grade teacher said I needed something for my sinuses. Suffice it to say, I don't know how to get through to her and that's pretty bad considering our ability to not die of hunger or food based pathogens is currently at stake. I want to explain to her right now that we really need to replace the fridge but I have wasted so much time over the years trying to get her to do things, and she has absolutely shown no intention of doing it. I need help reddit, I really don't know what to do anymore.

TL;DR Fridge is broke and I have to convince a thickheaded grandmother to replace it, after spending more than a decade trying to convince her to do something about broken things. Can't IT replace myself. Need advice.

Addendum:She definitely has the money to do it, and has no problem buying things we don't need like a new carpet or entertainment center.

Submitted August 05, 2015 at 03:03PM by FleetingAdvice Advice

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