Thursday, November 16, 2017

We are an upcoming movie company that is crafting a film based on a random script we found in a drawer CrazyIdeas

Hey everybody!,

So basically as the title states, we are a small upcoming movie company and we are just about to send the finalised script to multiple companies in our country. This is the original synopsis that I and my Executive Producer found in the drawer of a high school room. Inspired, we decided to use this as the basis for our script and plot:

The Fake Counterfeit

Act 1 Two homeless people who lost their savings during a stock exchange transaction in the 2008 financial crisis to a Fossil Fuel Corporation live in a refrigerator and a vending machine respectively. They decide to renew their previous niveous riche status by printing bucket loads of counterfeited money by using industrial size printers by sneaking into the local university library at night. On top of this, they pay their final savings to two of their hobo neighbours to dress up as them and use their identification in applying for a bus trip to a nearby city, making it seem the duo were on vacation during the period where the counterfeit money began to circulate. The duo then hide the massive wulth of highly combustible, crappy counterfeit money in an abandoned shack in the middle of nowhere in a secluded wilderness. They then “find” the counterfeit money and report it the police. They do this before before emailing themselves death threats to themselves. They use these death threats as justification as applying for ‘the witness protection program’ as they argue the counterfeiters must have found out who they are, getting themselves a new house and constant government payments to live off for welfare

Act 2 The fridge guy is happy and starts up a restaurant that sells cuisine that come on top of hats (to symbolise him overcoming society’s pressure) while the vending machine guy’s ambition drives him to send himself another death threat, so that he can sue the government for failing to provide him with proper protection. The government, now suspicious, sends an auditor from the Taxation Office to investigate the case. The Vending Machine attempts to set up another counterfeit farm by conspiring with a nutcase homeless, who is one the neighbours who came back from vacation early, who wants to go to prison for the free food and television so that he can frame him as the leader of the countefeiters. After attempting to conspire with his former refrigerator-dwelling friend his paranoia allows him to come to the conclusion the supposed nutcase hobo is in fact attempting to wire the counterfeiting complex to frame Vending Guy and get him arrested. So before going in to plant the fake evidence vending guy places a camera 9 hours earlier to catch the other hobo putting up the camera. The whole plans falls apart however, when an organised crime group burns down the entire facility to rout out competition in the counterfeiting market.

Act 3 The real counterfeiters than manage to locate the duo’s location and send a myriad of death threats and hate mail. Fridge Guy, who is now starting up a global charity for the environment and the third world as well as becoming a media tycoon (invested by the Fossil Fuel Corporation), reports this to the police. The auditor investigates the rubble of the second counterfeit facility and finds two footages. One where the nutcase hobo is attempting to frame Vending guy and a second which is a footage of Vending guy framing nutcase hobo by filming him place a camera in the original location. The mafia then kidnaps Vending Guy and takes him away to an overseas location, while the auditor reveals evidence to the government that the counterfeit money is in fact all fake counterfeit money. At this moment, the other neighbour hobo return from their vacation. Meanwhile, the fridge guy makes massive amounts of money with his media business due to his knowledge of the inner workings of the whole confusing debacle, making his news the most referable. The mafia boss explains his plan to the vending guy, which is to utilise the vending man’s plans to delegitimise any reports of counterfeiting so that the government will dismiss them all as false claims. The other neighbour hobo has investigated both the library location and the restaurant and find both locations to be wired to the brim with government cables. The auditor has in fact decided to blackmail the media tycoon former-fridge guy with the evidence found in these locations.

Act 4 The fridge guy however, decides to liquidise his company and sell portions of the intellectual rights to the third world to help fund libraries and universities by providing it with unique papers required for doctorates, with the advertising divisions handed to environmental protection and alternative energy research. He then loosens the security in his now fancy home to purposely get himself kidnapped. Now, both the fridge guy and the vending guy are kidnapped in another country which has no extradition agreement with the original nation. Thanks to the mafia they were able to get free transportation to the slums of one of the third world nations where they donated money. The duo and the neighbour hobo uses money from the hat restaurant to pay for the ransom, however the duo organises it so they are freed in the third world nation so they oversee the construction of the universities. The nutcase hobo reveals to have a third footage of the second facility that was placed 9 hours before vending man’s camera to catch him the act of the second camera. The third camera was located by the second neighbour hobo who finds the footage contains the mafia spraying oil across the facility. The increased development in that nation diminishes the strength of the mafia along with the footage proving their willingness to destroy rival counterfeit, the collapse of the media company heavily damages the power and reputation of the fossil fuel corporation which goes bankrupt due to overconfidence in investing the rising media firm, and the auditor’s blackmail reveal convinces the government to renew their efforts to regulate corruption within their ranks. And everyone live happily ever after.

Submitted November 16, 2017 at 01:15PM by CinematograFilm CrazyIdeas

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