Thursday, August 6, 2015

TIFU by trying to scare away a monkey with a banana tifu

So I live in Delhi near the ridge area (a green belt of sorts). A lot of monkeys come into my backyard and proceed to break plant pots and shit everywhere. So today when i heard them i proceeded to shoo them away. However I forgot I was holding a banana. Suddenly a monkey comes from behind and snatches it from my hand...

I shat myself.

Many of you may know that monkeys love bananas. However, not many of you may know that the macaque monkeys are a serious urban problem in South East Asia. They are quite intelligent and studies have shown that they know which home to strike (usually the ones with the fewest people). They can open refrigerators to take food, open taps to drink waters (Thanks Darwin for the opposable thumb!) and are truly a menace. Even after living in Delhi for 20 years i fucked up by waving a banana at them, something that I will never do now till the day I die..

Submitted August 06, 2015 at 01:20PM by ShadySingh tifu

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