Friday, August 7, 2015

TIFU by having the worst day ever. tifu

So my day started out normal but went down the shitter, severely. (No, there is no actual shit in the story.)

So let's start the day. In the morning I wake up and shower, the only problem is that we're out of liquid body wash so I have to use the bar soap. This isn't that bad, it's only soap. Then, I go to eat, and I look in the fridge and find some Mac and cheese, except this Mac and cheese is different, it smells garlic-y. That's okay, garlic is good. Well, turns out this Mac and cheese tasted not like garlic, but like syrupy nasty sweet Mac and cheese. This isn't a big deal, it's just food, I can eat something else.

So now let's go to the next part of the day. I decide I'll help my mom out and get a laminator for her school. So I go there, pick up the laminator and am heading back. As I'm heading back I get in a car accident. Nothing big, a little fender bender. Their car wasn't damaged so I asked if they could not file a report and they said sure. That's no big deal.. I can buff out the dent later. So I go and drop off the laminator, and I'm off the hook now.

Next, I go and eat dinner, I go to my favorite Mexican restaurant, and order something new. This is a bad idea for the worst day ever. You want to know why? Because I get sick from the fucking food. So now I'm hurling and wanting to die.

You may think it's over, but, oh, I have one more thing. Earlier today (after the food, before the hurling) I find out that my grandfathers 100th birthday party is the same day as my retreat for school. So now I have to miss part of the retreat for my grandfathers birthday (which I wouldn't mind doing. He's turning 100 for Gods sake, I'm not heartless) and possibly get kicked off my retreat and replaced.

TL;DR Worst day ever starts with soap, has a little accident in the middle, and ends with me missing a birthday and hurling.

EDIT: The refrigerator in my house just went out.

Submitted August 08, 2015 at 10:04AM by SquareplanetGod tifu

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