Monday, August 3, 2015

3rd day of Semax trial - pretty impressed. Nootropics

So I ordered some of Ceretropic's 200mcg intranasal spray recently and began dosing as of 3 days ago. I've been taking one spray per nostril (for 400mcg) once per day for these three days. In the interim, I've been keeping the vial in the refrigerator to avoid any unnecessary degradation. I've noticed a definite which seems to come on about 30 minutes after dosing.

The focus enhancement portion of the effects seems to be most strong for the first 4-5 hours, but remains even after waking in the morning to a small degree. I'm also a hobbyist musician and I've noticed my improvisation has improved in that I am able to return to a certain motif more easily and my hand eye coordination seems improved as well. My peripheral vision seems slightly widened. The focusing effect reminds me quite strongly of how I felt on Concerta but without the uncomfortable chest sensations. There was a bit of upper body tension the first time I tried Semax, particularly my neck, but that could be due to initial excitement/anxiety and it hasn't occurred since.

Overall, this seems like a very promising nootropic. I initially was thinking of trying Selank first due to the overstimulation I've heard some people experience with Semax but I haven't felt much of that at all.

Submitted August 03, 2015 at 11:17PM by Enzor Nootropics

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