Thursday, November 16, 2017

For every one person that is aware of EA’s shit and decides not to buy the game or merchandise there are at least two ignorant souls who frankly don’t care or don’t know well enough and buy the game anyway. We need to do more! gaming

This post comes from experience, a very sad, depressing experience. Someone I know (and have shared countless reminders of EA’s business practices to) went out and bought the game with a refrigerator. I didn’t even know there was an edition like that but this person sought it out and purchased it in full citing “I don’t care” and “it won’t affect my experience of the game”.

Even if this person changes their mind when they realize the insane amount of time (1000s of hours) or money (2000something $$) that they have to put into this game just to get at the content that should be free after what we pay to purchase a full game it won’t matter.

Why not? Because this person would GLADLY repeat this cycle in the exact same way if the opportunity arises (and it will arise). I know that he is entitled to all the suffering he deserves from just playing the game for doing this and that it might be punishment enough for buying into EA’s MTXs, with a mini fridge to boot (seriously who even releases their game with a mini fridge anyway? I mean it’s cool and all but what another blatant money grab!).

But the real problem here in lies with us smart gamers that knowingly refuse a game with gambling as its main staple. How are we supposed to get anything accomplished over at that very corporation which we wish to change if people like my dude above keep doing what they do?

We need to do more. We need to reach out to anyone we know and talk about how EA doesn’t deserve your money. We need to spread the word. Even though there are people like I mentioned above that might not change no matter what at least telling everyone about what’s going down will let at least a few more people make a more informed decision in purchasing or boycotting battlefront (EA) II and hopefully create better games in the future where maybe the only loot boxes are only for cosmetic non-progression items.

Thank you for your time.

Submitted November 17, 2017 at 05:08AM by Seaguard5 gaming

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