Saturday, December 2, 2017

Instant ramen neutrition boosts? EatCheapAndHealthy

Hello r/eatcheapandhealthy !

I’m sure this is the umpteenth time that instant ramen packs have come up on this sub, and I did search but I couldn’t exactly find the answer I was looking for.

I volunteer at a local youth society that helps at risk youth, and we provide small meals in exchange for small tasks or chores. Our pantry is running very low lately so I went to Costco and bought a flat of water and a 48 pack of mr.noodles, as instant noodles are one of the kids favourites. My only concern is the noodles notoriously poor nutritional value.

Is there anyway to add something to the soups, using low or no effort means? Like freeze dried veggie chunks, is that a thing? We have almost no cooking utensils and very limited refrigerator and freezer space, hence why I’m having issues.

Thanks in advance!

Submitted December 03, 2017 at 12:52AM by AllOfTheSoundAndFury EatCheapAndHealthy

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