Tuesday, December 26, 2017

What to do with 5 lb of Brussel sprouts? Cooking

So my wife and I ended up with the flu this weekend so we missed out on all of our family Christmases. I have a very large family and was planning on bringing a big thing of roasted brussel sprouts. Now I have 5 lb of uncooked Brussel sprouts sitting in my refrigerator that I need to do something with. Now I do love me some brussel sprouts, but I'm not really sure what I'm going to be able to do with them without getting sick of eating them or getting kicked out of the house because they give me some pretty wicked gas. I'm sure I can freeze them and eat them overtime but do you guys have any suggestions?

Submitted December 26, 2017 at 10:01PM by Farmchuck http://ift.tt/2zykFkC Cooking

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