Saturday, December 30, 2017

I'm reaching the end of my tether... raisedbynarcissists

Hey r/raisedbynarcissists!

First off, I'd just like to express how grateful I am for finding this sub and how great it is to find that I'm not alone in having parents that are so self-centered and horrible to around.

This is probably gonna be long as I've been letting this stew for quite some time and I need to vent.

For background: I'm 23/f and currently living with my parents, I work 3 jobs (2 in retail and one voluntarily at a non-profit zoo) my parents charge me 2/3's of my paycheck from my primary job ($285) a month. I took up a seasonal job at a clothing store about a month ago so I could have extra money for Christmas. Since I finished high school, my NMom had been nagging me to get "a real job" (as part-time retail jobs aren't real jobs apparently - she works in retail herself for less hours than me) and I was applying to different jobs every single day and wasn't getting much back. To counter this, I signed up for lots of overtime at my primary job to get her off my back and to get away from her during the day.

Anyways, I haven't long got back from a shift at my main job, only to find that she's gone through my stuff and decided to make it her duty to lecture and insult me about my stuff and accusing me of having a shopping addiction. This coming from the woman who goes on vacation 5 or 6 times a year and ALWAYS buys new clothes to take on said vacation. She also owns about 30-40 purses and will always buy more when she's away, she'll also always buy a new outfit whenever she's going out with her friends. She's really hypocritical.

My dad has always been pretty laid-back and has always followed the path of talking about things to resolve problems but around 6 months ago, he was unable to renew the lease on the property he ran his business out of and began working from home. And since that, I really don't know what has happened to him. He's no longer the same person and has become exactly like my NMom.

He's always been an alcoholic but he's generally an all-round unpleasant person to be around. During the day he'll avoid/ignore me and if he does bother to acknowledge me, it's usually to bang on my bedroom door at 8AM and yelling at me for being lazy for sleeping in on a non-work day. Any food I'll buy, he'll eat it after getting drunk and then say that I shouldn't have left it in the refrigerator if I wasn't gonna eat it (wtf). But easily the worst thing he's done is open my bank statements. He's done it twice now, admitted it was initially a mistake but then goes through it and marks in pen purchases that he thinks I either shouldn't have made or he doesn't approve of. Both times he's done this, he can't understand why it's an invasion of privacy and pissed me off. I've now opted out of receiving paper statements because of this.

I also have a brother who is 10 years older than me and lives at my grandmother's house as she is now in a nursing home. He is 100% the golden child of the family. He recently had an investigation at work for damaging a car that he was working on and my NMom literally threatened to go to his work an confront the manager for bullying him...

Living with one NParent is bad enough but when it's two, it's just too much. I'm bipolar and I get anxious really easily. When me and my bf first met, he didn't get why I was scared of my NMom and the reasons I've mentioned above are exactly why. I've never been allowed to express my emotions without being punished and keeping my feelings bottled up is draining.

Sorry it was long, I just really needed to vent.

TL;DR: NParents are making my life miserable. NMom is selfish, never satisfied and a hypocrite. NDad is an alcoholic who doesn't understand the concept of privacy.

Submitted December 31, 2017 at 12:31AM by _Growlithe_ raisedbynarcissists

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