Monday, December 25, 2017

How to sleep after BPD mum threw a tantrum? raisedbynarcissists

There was a lot of screaming, demands to 'call the police', attacking of furniture, attacking of my refrigerator

She went to bed instantly once edad agreed to her demands (to replace her room's bloated door under her room's leaking air conditioner with another door of the same make- which is going to bloat again from the water, which is why I kept saying it was illogical to do so).

I can't sleep. I need to because I want to build a functional sleep cycle. I can tell she is going to use edad against me in some way, I don't know what to do about this cloying fear. I'm not even sure the exact emotional reason why I can't sleep, probably that she will make my life difficult for me?

There are just so many alarm bells going off from every direction. The entire thing was just lies in every direction.

1) She claimed she wanted to have the door replaced so I wouldn't have to hear her singing- which was evidently not the case because she's never cared if we have to put up with it or not. Going by previous experience, the real reason is that she wants door locked because she has always claimed that edad will 'poison her in her sleep'

2) She kept shrieking about calling the police. But for what? I was trying to remove her from my room so I could get some sleep. Is this a crime?

3) She claims she needed permission from me to replace her door. I don't get this at all- she's a grown woman with her own cash stack. Furthermore when I was 8-12 years old she used to 'demand' permission to cheat on my dad from my grandmother and I by shrieking, throwing tantrums and making our lives infinitely miserable until we told her to just go ahead and do it- she would then use this to scapegoat the blame onto us.

I don't know how to sleep. I seriously am stressed out of my mind right now- I keep reminding myself that demands made by manipulation, lies and threats should never be met, but at the same time edad keeps insisting on acceding to her demands.

Submitted December 26, 2017 at 01:23AM by DamnAHtml raisedbynarcissists

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