Tuesday, January 3, 2017

TIFU by freezing bananas tifu

We have a fruit bowl above our refrigerator/freezer. After we had just returned from an overseas trip, my mother told me to put the bananas we bought at the store in the bowl to ripen. Thanks to my exhausted, jet lagged brain, i instead placed the bananas in the freezer, and went to bed without thinking.

Then I woke up this morning, and opened the fridge to grab something for breakfast, and lo and behold, the frozen hard bananas sitting inside the fridge. I had no idea how it happened, and left them there while I left the house. I came home in the afternoon and realized that I have to do something about these bananas.

Unfortunately frozen solid bananas cannot be used for much, and it seems as though thawing them will not turn out to well, as we have experimented. So I just wasted a few dollars worth of bananas with my stupid jet lagged brain.

Submitted January 04, 2017 at 05:56AM by mayajalukar http://ift.tt/2hP6Aew tifu

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