Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Goats and Just Dance Zombies? LucidDreaming

I remember this lucid dream vividly. The first feeling I had as soon as I got into this nightmare was the overall intense feeling of wanting to leave. Fear practically consumed me throughout the entire thing but, sadly, I did not wake up until the end.

The dream started with me waking up in a bed. I was in a room with with pressing white walls. The bed practically took up the space of the whole room. I got up and walked out into a very narrow hallway. It seemed like a normal house. I walked right into a living room and to my right was a door that turned out to be the kitchen. In the kitchen there was a refrigerator in the far right corner beside that to the left was two windows completely covered in white sheets. In the middle of the windows was a rifle. I went up to the windows, peaked out and saw a zombie walk by. This is when I panicked. I stepped back from the window quickly and ran out the door. I went back down the hallway but, was stopped by the site of a white goat. The goat was normal seemed normal at first but, then it started to speak. “You seem scared, haha, I find that funny, hahahaha,” the goat started laughing maniacally, “you know you better run,” than his eyes turned a blowing dark crimson, and it said in a more dark less humanly tone, “the devil’s gonna get you.” I ran back into the kitchen to grab the rifle but, as soon as I got in I noticed that walls we’re gone replaced with this white void. The only parts left were the was a section of the wall with the two windows on it and the wall to my immediate right and the wall that had the refrigerator next to it. I ran to the rifle but, as soon as I got to it the thing disappeared. I turned around to run back and saw the inscription “Were watching you,” written in blood. I ran through the door into the kitchen and slammed it shut. The goat was still there chuckling. This is when my fight or flight mode kicked in and of the two options I chose fight. I ran towards the goat and bit him in his neck. My teeth bore down until I felt the bone. Then I carried the goat into the bedroom. Where once there were walls there now there were windows. Big windows. The surrounded the whole room. Written on them were things like “we’re watching you,” and “always watching.” I ran into a bathroom on my immediate left goat in arms. I than noticed another goat in my second living room. Somehow I was able to stare out of the crack between door and doorframe, through the hallway and into the outside where I saw the goat. The goat in my arms started calling it, saying “Hey! I’m here! Bring the Army! Tell the others.” I was stunned for a moment but, decided I needed to shut this goat up. I bought him again harder trying to stop his breathing. This time I could taste the metallic blood. I ripped at him until he wasn’t able to yell. His final words he expressed to me was “ Their coming, hehe, they’ll avenge me,” and with that the goat died in my arms. I dropped it to the ground. As soon as the goat hit the ground I realized it was a dream, or rather, nightmare. I ran out to the bathroom, out of the bedroom into the second living room and I looked over on the TV and saw a wii and on the huge flat screen it displayed ‘Just Dance’ Zombie. I and ran back to the kitchen. I saw the rifle again, grabbed it and stuck the barrel in my mouth. I than walked out into the hallway rifle in hand barrel in mouth. I walked slowly through the hallway into my second living room. I saw little red creatures and tall black shadows running towards me. I pulled the trigger. It didn’t fire. I pulled it again and again and again. I than heard an all too familiar voice. “You don’t think I’d let you get away that easily.” I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was a man in a suite wearing the white goat’s head. I couldn’t move I was so shocked. He pushed me down, and I woke up. I don’t know what it all means or why the hell Just Dance Zombie for the Wii was in a dream like this. Alls I know is that I don’t want to Just Dance. 

Submitted January 26, 2017 at 12:28AM by Ghostly_Writer28700 LucidDreaming

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