Saturday, January 28, 2017

holy hell I got new shirts! new shirts! TalesFromTheFrontDesk

So in Cambodia we wear a uniform and while I don't hate mine with the passion I reserve for Expedia and group check in's, it's pretty not cute. In my town basic uni attire is the dreaded Lands End Uni button up in (blah color), black pants we buy ourselves and black shoes. I am also allowed to wear a skirt if I feel like it and sometimes I do. As long as it's black and goes below the knees.

But my shirt, even though the color isn't bad and makes my eyes pop and now I have like 90 pairs of "fun socks" that match the color scheme and 11ty five hair bows to match, my shirt is too big. You see they gave me a men's small, which should fit but its gappy and floppy and won't stay tucked in and looks sloppy if it comes untucked. Basically it's too fucking big. Both of them.

But today the uniform Gods heard the Queen's anguished cries and havin also hired a girl smaller than the Queen ordered... an extra set of XS WOMEN'S SHIRTS. I mean like button ups that are meant to make me look like less of a refrigerator box and more like I person. I won't look like I'm wearing my dad's clothes anymore.

I can't even believe I'm excited by this, but hot damn when I go back to Cambodia on Sunday, I'm gonna have a uniform that fits a queen.

edited to add I am positively shit faced right now so please ignore any glaring typos.

Submitted January 28, 2017 at 04:27PM by queenofcambodia TalesFromTheFrontDesk

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