Saturday, January 28, 2017

Room treatment for a hobbyist audioengineering

Currently I record and mix in a completely untreated room. My standard setup is to program drums, record bass direct-in, and close-mic my guitar amp.

Lately I've been thinking of adding a little bit of foam treatment to the room and potentially upgrading my monitors. But I wonder if I'd be better off just getting a solid set of headphones for mixing.

Part of the reason is that the room I'm recording in (kind of a combined living room/ kitchen) is set up a little weirdly. On one side, the door / windows go right against the corner of the room, so there's only about 10" above them that a corner bass trap could fit in. On the other end, my refrigerator is tucked into a corner (not much space else to put it) with a little space above it, and cabinets / countertop on the other side preventing any real space to put a bass trap.

So I guess three questions come out of this:

1) Since I'm close-micing the only instrument I'm using to record, does the lack of treatment in the room have a hugely negative effect?

2) Due to the lack of places for effective bass traps, is it worth trying to treat the room?

3) Is buying a good pair of headphones just a better investment for now?

Submitted January 29, 2017 at 07:01AM by gruntledungle audioengineering

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