Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The red sofa. fatpeoplestories

I'll keep this short because I'm at work.

I work as IT support and sometimes do in loco support. About an hour ago I was called to move a PC from a customer from one room to another.

Got to the front door, big house, not very well kept but you know that it saw better days. DING-DONG. Nobody answers. I knock about 2 or 3 times more and give up. As I was entering my car to drive away, my phone rings and a very heavy voice just tells me "the door is unlocked, come in".

I come back, enter the house and start calling for the customer. He's in the second floor and screams to me GET THE FUCK UP HERE.

As I enter his room, at first I don't see him. It was a big room with a really bad shit smell, an office table that I think is for the computer with half a meter high of empty pizza and burguer boxes, a really large red and brown sofa, a really big bed with the frames bent in the middle, two buckets on one side of the bed and a really huge refrigerator full of food with an open door on the other side. I call for the customer and I hear his voice but don't find him. OVER HERE YOU CUNT! ...the sofa talked to me.

This motherfucker was as big as a sofa. INSERT HERE EVERY FAT PEOPLE CLICHÉ EVER, like the sweat, the smell, the blush on the face, the hard breath, the bad temper, everything. Dude was an easy 300kg, I have no idea his height because I can't imagine how is he able to get up. He had a red thin blanket over him that I just heard from a coworker it was because he gave up on clothes.

He asked me to get the computer on the 1st floor and put it on the office table, so this way he doesn't need to go downstairs anymore. As I get to the table I ask him what to do with all the trash, he says "put it under the bed" and as I did, it almost didn't fit because it was already full. As I setup the computer, he climbed on to the bed and I finally got why the refrigerator was there: so he can feed himself as laying in bed AND because he "liked the cold from the refrigerator better than the AC unit, because it smells better". This motherfucker sleeps with the refrigerator door open so he can BREATH THE FOOD, as some of them spoils alway before being ingested by this small mountain of lard. That's when I understood the need for the two buckets by the bed. Yeah, you got it. Oh, and no sign of toilet paper anywhere, so now you know what the brown spots on the blanket are...

My coworker says that there is once a week a cleaning lady who washes the blanket, give the guy a hose bath because he can't fit in the bathroom anymore (it's the only time of the week he goes downstairs) and cleans his room. She says the rest of the house are never used.

TL;DR.: please send help.

Submitted January 17, 2017 at 07:39PM by OhSoSorryWrongHole http://ift.tt/2jslJm9 fatpeoplestories

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