Sunday, January 15, 2017

2nd post tonight, things keep getting better. TalesFromTheFrontDesk

So I posted a few hours ago, and my night has just gone from shit-tastic to I may not come back after my next weekend off (I only work weekends).

-Two hockey boys running through the halls throwing buckets of ice every which way.
-Exit signs up and down the hallways have been knocked off their screws, from hockey kids running through the halls, jumping and smacking them.
-I found three dudebros in the hot tub after hours and when I asked them to leave they offered me a joint to stay in the hot tub, I declined. Then they moved as slow as humanly possible to grab towels and walk back to their rooms.
-On a random wall in a random hallway, someone had thrown an entire cup of hot chocolate into the wall, spraying at least 10 feet wide and up onto the ceiling.
-Found some pizza slices smeared into the carpet in a spot that no pizza could magically find its way to without human help.
-Fuckhead hockey peeps are STILL going on in room 123, and now they're yelling over each other about whose nanny is the worst.
-There are NO staples in this building. None. Paperwork will go unstapled.
-I've gotten 3 calls from a woman demanding to stay next Saturday for $50 when our rack rate is $295.
-I've been prank called by hockey kids at least a half dozen times about refrigerators and whether I like my muffin buttered. I've seen Mean Girls, you're not as funny.
-I can guaranfuckingtee these hockey rooms will demand a late check out for each of their rooms, I hope my morning manager says FUCK NO GTFO.

Edit to add: Mister Fuckhead Hockey dad just came down and asked if he could buy cigarettes from us. I said no sorry we don't sell cigarettes. He asked if I smoke. I said no...................I totally smoke.

I want to go home now.

Submitted January 15, 2017 at 04:43PM by sassystarfleet TalesFromTheFrontDesk

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