Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Repeated Caller nosleep

A man on a bicycle rides by an apartment building. A car approaches in the distance with a man, Hector Shang, in the driver’s seat. For a moment, the lights of Hector’s car stun the biker. He soon pedals away. Hector, a man in his mid to late thirties, pulls into the driveway of his quiet neighborhood apartment home. Hector shut off the engine and the music from the radio inside the car stopped playing. He checked his watch. It read 12:07 A.M.. “Andrea is gonna kill me.” He opened the car’s door and got out. He soon noticed that the trash bags at the end of his driveway had been torn asunder and had leaked their trash onto the ground. “Raccoons.” He grunted. Hector slipped his keys into his right side jacket pocket. He shook his head while glancing at the scattered trash. He grabbed his briefcase from inside the car and shut the door. He headed up the driveway to the stairway that leads to his third floor apartment.

Emerging to the top of the stairs, Hector pulled the screen door open as he entered the porch area. The sound of a ringing phone can be heard through the front door as Hector struggled to find his keys. “Come on... come on... I just had them!” With his briefcase in his right hand, he patted down the left side pockets on his jacket searching for his keys. The phone continued to ring indoors. He set his briefcase down beside him and pulled out the keys from his right side jacket pocket. He sighs. “Just my luck.” He unlocked the door, grabbed his briefcase, and raced inside to the ringing phone on the nearby table. He picked up the phone leaving the front door open behind him. “Hello?” A recorded message played on the other end. “Hello. This is Jason of Big B's Blockbuster CD's and DVD's calling to remind you tha-” “If its not one thing, it's another.” Hector slammed down the phone. He turned around then headed over to close the open front door.

He flipped the switch shutting off the porch light and paused for a moment staring into the darkness before closing the front door. He removed his jacket and tossed it onto the sofa as he walked toward his bedroom. He opened the bedroom door slowly and peered inside. Andrea was sleeping soundly. He smiled at his wife then shuts the door. Hector walked toward the refrigerator located near the entrance of his apartment. He opened the door to the refrigerator and pulled out a beer, then walked over and sat upon the sofa. He kicked off his shoes and turned on the television. He sipped his beer as he flipped through the channels. Finally he settled on SportsCenter. “Now this is what I have been waiting for all day.”

The frightened sounds of a woman breathing heavily and sniffling can be heard. She struggles to put her words together. “Wher...where am I?” A generator kicks on and the clamorous screeching of the machine frightens the woman. “Hello?.... Is anyone there?” She stares into the surrounding darkness. “Somebody help me please!” She stands as she runs her fingers across the wall searching for a light switch. “Oh thank God!” She flips on the switch and the light flickers above her a few times revealing a small tight space before the bulb burns out. The woman begins to cry. as her hands search the wall for a way out. She feels something on the wall and knocks it over. A dial tone rings out loudly in the darkness. She picks up the receiver and dials out.

Hector has fallen asleep on the sofa while the television’s glare continues to shine on his face. The phone begins to ring again. He stirs but is oblivious to the sound. The phone continues to ring. Slowly, Hector opens his eyes. He looks around as if in a daze then looks with bewilderment at his watch. “It's 1:30 in the morning for crying out loud!” He rose up and walked over to the phone on the table. “Hello?” There is no answer on the other end only a fading static noise. With a puzzled look on his face Hector looks at the receiver then raises it back to his ear. He hears a barely audible voice. “Hello? Is anyone there?” “If you can hear me... Please help.” The line goes dead and the shrill sound of the dial tone rings in his ear. He hangs up the phone and stares out the window for a moment. He walks over and turns off the television, then heads for his bedroom. Hector enters the quiet room walks toward his side of the bed, takes off his pants and places his watch on the bedside table next to the alarm clock which reads 1:38 A.M.. He gets into bed. Andrea stirs in her sleep impervious to Hector’s entrance. He leans over to kiss her before lying down to sleep.

The clock on the bedside table now reads 2:23. Hector is sleeping soundly unaware that Andre has begun to stir in her sleep when the telephone begins to ring again. Hector begins to toss as the sound of the ringing phone echoes throughout the room. His eyes open annoyed he turns over and reaches for the phone off of the bedside table. “Hello?” Again a loud static noise is all that can be heard. “Who is this?” Hector asks frustrated. “Do you have any idea what time it is?” The static begins to break up and the terrified voice of the woman speaking with great urgency comes through. “Please if you can hear me... Help! “Please help me! “Who is this?” Their conversation is cut short as the call is lost in the static. Hector sits up in bed, clutches the receiver in his hand, and looks toward the bedroom door. He hangs up the phone and gets out of bed. The bedroom door opens as a tired Hector enters and takes a glass from the cabinet next to the refrigerator and pours some water from the faucet. He takes a sip from his glass when all of a sudden the phone rings again. Hector drops his glass and it shatters onto the floor. “Ah!” he exclaims. Hector stepping back from the broken glass walks around it toward the phone on the table and picks it up. “Listen if you don't sto-” He is cut off by a deafening screech on the other end. He pulls the phone away from his ear then hears the same familiar voice trying to break through. “Please...Please don't hang up. I need help.” “Look! Stop calling here. If you need help, call the police already!” “No! I can't! You’re the only one that can help me. Please, I'm begging you!” “Look lady! I told you already there's nothing I can do. Call the police. I'm hanging up now.” Hector slams down the phone. “What is going on?” Hector turns to head back to bed when he stops and looks over his shoulder at the broken glass on the floor. He sighs then grabs the dust broom from underneath the sink and begins to sweep up the broken glass. “Work tomorrow is gonna be terrible if I don't get some sleep.” Hector empties the broken glass into the trash below the sink before heading back to bed. The door opens and Hector enters. Frustrated and groggy he climbs back into bed next to his wife Hector stares at the ceiling until he drifts slowly back to sleep.

The clock now reads 3:47 A.M. When the phone begins to ring again. The sound causes Hector’s eyes to open immediately. He sits up takes a deep breath staring at the ringing phone. “Ugh.” Andrea begins to stir and Hector can hear her whimpering in her sleep. He looks at her then back at the ringing phone. He reaches for the phone on the nearby night stand and removes the cord from the back of the ringing phone sending a comfortable silence throughout the room. He lays his head back down onto his pillow and closes his eyes.

“Oh Please pick up. Please you have to answer!” The generator begins to give off pulses of sound instead of one, loud tone. The woman pleads for someone to answer the phone. “Please pick up please! Dear God!” A door slides open at the top of the stairs in the dark room and a harsh red light pours in. The woman turns around revealing her face. She’s scared and soaked in dirt and tears. Stuck in her dream she releases a blood curling scream. “Hector! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! WAKE ME UP!!!” The generator gives out.

The room is quiet, Hector and Andrea seem to be sleeping soundly.The view moves over to reveal Andrea eyes wide open facing her husband. She lies lifeless in bed with a tear of blood flowing from her right eye.

Submitted April 21, 2016 at 07:04AM by bosespeakers nosleep

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