Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Let's Have a Study Break [M18, F23] gonewildstories

Despite the current trend of entering into college with a five year plan, majors decided upon, and internships three years out lined up in order to justify the enormous debt that we would all be accruing over the next four years, I started college with no plan, no major, and not even a thought of a possible internship. My thought process was that all of that would work itself out, and in the meantime, I would not be at home with my parents and sisters. This thought process led to me signing up for some of the more obscure general education classes. One of these courses was Theater History. In high school I had taken two years of drama to fulfill my vocational requirement, acted in a few plays, and even directed my own one act play. I was by no means a drama geek, but I enjoyed the theater and thought that it would be a nice change of pace from my math and science heavy schedule.

A morning of Calculus II and Introduction to Entomology had already left me mentally drained and with more reading than I wished to do. I stopped back at my dorm room to switch out books and grab a new spiral to take notes in my next class. I quietly opened the door to my room and was greeted by darkness and the musty smell of an unshowered roommate.

I had lived with Juan for six days, and I was already frustrated with him as a living companion. He came from a wealthy family in Colombia, was obviously not used to picking up after himself, and expected everyone around him to cater to his every need. Juan was about 5’7”, had olive skin, was morbidly obese weighing close to 300 pounds, had thick black hair that he cut short, and a patchy beard. He continuously slept in until 2 or 3 in the afternoon, skipping most of his classes in the process I would discover later, and stayed up until 4 in the morning skyping his friends with his booming voice that he refused to lower. Needless to say, I attempted to spend as little time in my room as I could.

I quickly exchanged the books in my backpack for the ones required in my Theater History class and left. I looked at my phone and saw that it was just before 1:00. My class did not begin until 2:00, so I had time to grab some lunch at the cafeteria and maybe begin reading for my entomology class. I walked up the winding staircase that led to the cafeteria, passing a large group going in the opposite direction who had just finished eating. I gave my school ID to the man standing at the register. He swiped my ID and returned it to me without uttering a word, waiting for the next student to come to the cafeteria. I grabbed a tray and made my way to the servers. They were serving pulled pork sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, and green beans. I eyed the food, accepting some of each before moving towards the tabled area, scanning the crowd for a familiar face. I found none, but I noticed that the cafeteria was less than half full, leaving plenty of open space for me to sit and read until I needed to leave for class. I selected an empty table by a window, allowing me an unimpeded view of the campus quad. I looked in my backpack for my entomology book, forgetting that I had placed it on the desk in my room along with my calculus book. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I lamented when I realized my mistake. I instead pulled out my copy of Lysistrata and began to absentmindedly thumb through the editor’s notes at the front of the book. While browsing the introduction to Aristophanes’ raunchy masterpiece, I took a bite of my sandwich, debating on whether or not the kitchen used actual meat in the sandwiches or if it was a fake meat substitute that the college had gotten at a discount.

As I was deep in thought over the legitimacy of the meal in front of me, I saw someone stop at the table that I was at and put their tray down. I looked up from my plate and was greeted by the sight of a gorgeous woman standing behind the chair directly across from me. I was immediately in awe of the being in front of me. As my eyes rose to meet hers, I attempted to take in all of her beauty. I saw her slightly tanned legs, the short jean shorts that hugged her hips, the peach colored tank top that clung to her athletic figure, her long curly red hair, and her vivid green eyes that shone with laughter. A kind smile danced across her lips, leaving me with a nervous sensation in my stomach. I had never seen this girl before and had no idea who she was, but I was really hoping that I would find out.

“Is this seat taken?” I heard her ask.

Shocked that she was there, let alone talking to me, I shook my head no as she sat down.

“Hi, I’m Tobin,” she began. “Sorry for barging in on you like this, but there isn’t really a whole lot of places to sit, and I noticed that you were kind of alone.”

I quickly glanced around the cafeteria and noticed a plethora of seating options other than with me, but I shrugged as maybe she did not want to eat alone. “Oh. It’s no problem. I’m just killing time between classes.”

“Me too!” She replied enthusiastically. “You’d think that by senior year I would have all my gen eds done, but I’ve been postponing my history one for as long as possible. I figured theater history might be more exciting than regular history.”

The statement hit me like a ton of bricks. She was taking the same class as me? What were the odds? “No way!” I exclaimed. “I’m taking that exact same class.”

“Crazy! Sorry I don’t think I caught your name. Are you a theater major or something?”

“Oh yeah. Sorry. I’m Mark. And no, I’m not an anything major. I’m an undeclared freshman.”

“What hall are you living in?” She asked. “I’m the fourth floor RA in Madsen Hall.

“I’m in Madsen too. Third floor.” I responded.

I checked my phone and saw that it was 1:50. “We should probably get going to class if we want to make it on time.” I said.

Tobin nodded her agreement, popped the last bite of her sandwich into her mouth, and stood up. I placed my plate and empty glass onto the tray, grabbed my bag, and closely followed Tobin out of the cafeteria.

We arrived at the classroom about a minute before class started and surveyed the room. Tobin recognised a friend, and as quickly as I had met her, she was gone. I surveyed the room looking for a someone that I recognised. I found one in Tyler, a junior lifeguard that I had met during the training for the entire recreational center staff. He saw me walk in, and waved his hand slightly for me to come sit by him. I walked over to him and pulled out a chair. I glanced at the row behind me, locating Tobin. She was laughing with her friend, completely oblivious to my presence. While I was not surprised, I was a little disappointed that she did not invite me to sit with her. My thoughts, however, were quickly occupied by the professor walking into the room and beginning the lecture. After fifty minutes of furious note taking and a lengthy homework assignment, class was over and I began to walk back to my room.

“Hey, wait up!” I heard as I was about to exit the building.

I turned around to see Tobin jog towards me, her breasts bouncing slightly underneath her tank top and her curls following suit. We started to walk back to the dorm together making small talk about the class we had just sat through, what she was going to do after graduation, and what other classes I was taking. We entered the building, and made our way up the staircase.

“Well I guess I will see you in class on Wednesday.” I said as we reached the third floor.

“Yeah. Why don’t I give you my number and then we can meet up for lunch beforehand.”

“Okay” I said as if I were in a daze. Here was a beautiful senior who had just given a freshman her number and made plans in the future with him. I could barely contain my excitement and my nerves as I handed her my phone.

“Shoot me a text so I have your number too.” Tobin said as she went up the stairs.

My eyes followed her legs and ass as they disappeared from sight up the stairs. I walked to my room. Before I even opened the door I heard two sounds; one was Juan’s alarm going off and the other was Juan snoring. I sighed and walked into the room and sat down at my desk.

“Juan! Your alarm’s going off dude.” I said a little bit louder than my normal speaking voice.

He didn’t stir. I repeated myself even louder this time, finally eliciting a response from him. He rolled over and turned off his alarm and got out of his bunk. “Oh shit! I’m late for work.” was his response to looking at his clock. Juan got dressed and ran out the door, allowing me to open the shades and the window to try and air out my room. I breathed in the fresh air as I got out my phone and typed a message to Tobin. I had no desire to seem desperate, but I did want to meet up with her again.

“Hey Tobin. It’s Mark.” Was what I decided to go with. It was just a formal message so that she had my number.

“Awesome!” She replied quickly.

I decided that I would not text her until Wednesday before class. I opened up my calculus book and began to start on the problems who were assigned earlier that day. I worked for a few hours on the homework and the assigned reading, eventually feeling tired from all of the work. I closed my calculus textbook and opened my entomology book. My eyes drifted over the pages, but I was not focusing. I stood up and cracked my back, thinking that I could stretch my legs for a few minutes, maybe get a snack from the campus store, and then come back with a renewed energy. I put on my shoes and walked over to the door. Just as I was about to open it, Juan walked in. We exchanged formalities, and he walked past me to his desk and opened his computer. Knowing that he was probably going to skype his friends back in Colombia, I walked back across the room, gathered my textbooks and notebooks into my backpack, and left to go to the library. Not paying attention to my surroundings, I walked briskly down the stairs. My shoulder collided with a soft body, causing me to instinctively reach out to try and stabilize myself and them. I looked up and saw that I had just ran into Tobin, and in an attempt to have her not fall down the staircase, one of my hands was around her waist and the other was on one of her breasts. Realising what position I was in I immediately removed my hands and I felt my face get hot. I was so embarrassed.

“Oh my god, Tobin, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean...I mean I’m so...I’m…”

Tobin was surprised, but then she began to laugh. “You should probably buy me dinner first. I mean I barely gave you my number this afternoon.” She said between chuckles. “Where were you off to in such a hurry anyways?”

“The store and then probably the library.” I replied as I backed away. I was still mortified about what had just happened. “My roommate is skyping his family back home and I needed to get some work done. And I really am sorry. I promise...”

“Relax.” Tobin said with a warm smile. “I know you didn’t mean to. It was a funny accident. And if you ever want, you can work on stuff in my room. I don’t have a roommate so there isn’t anyone to skype loudly in Spanish.” She joked.

“Thanks.” I said. “But I think I’ll go to the library tonight. I don’t want to bother you or anything.”

Before she had a chance to respond, I left the area and walked to the library, forgoing my trip to the store. After that situation, I had enough adrenaline to finish all of the work that I needed to do. On my walk, my mind wandered back to the collision and my hand placement thereafter. My arm had wrapped around her slender waist with my hand resting at the small of her back, and my other hand had landed square on her left breast. Thinking back, I had not felt the padding of a bra, but instead the softness of a bare breast. “She wasn’t wearing a bra!” I whispered to myself as I smirked. Tobin had gone from an upperclassman who I had happened to have a class with to a fantasy in the span of ten seconds. I shook my head to try and concentrate on the reading that was in front of me. However, every time I pushed Tobin out of my head, she managed to reappear. Because of this, it took me until nearly 2:00 a.m. to finish all of my work. I packed my things and trudged back across campus and into my room where Juan was playing Starcraft. I collapsed in bed, exhausted from the day, but in my mind all I could think about was Tobin’s soft body and my hands against it. I began to feel a bulge grow in my pants as I thought about her. I flipped over on my bed, burying my erection into the mattress and hoping that I could ignore it long enough to fall asleep. Eventually, I fell asleep to the sounds of explosions and orders being barked out by virtual officers.

The entire next day, my mind was occupied by the new classes that I was taking, leaving little time for me to fantasize about Tobin. Wednesday, however, was completely different. By the time my entomology class ended, I was a nervous wreck about inviting Tobin to lunch with me before class. When I pulled out my phone to text her though, I saw that I already had a message. I opened it, and lo and behold, it was from Tobin.

“Waiting for you in the caf.”

Suddenly I was no longer nervous. She had texted me about lunch. I walked to the cafeteria, grabbed my food, and looked around for Tobin. She was at a table by herself at the far end of the room. I walked over, pulled out a chair, and sat down. Despite the “stairway incident” as I had begun to call it, our conversation was not awkward at all as we talked through lunch and on our walk to class.

This routine continued for the next few months with Tobin and I gradually becoming better acquainted with each other, expanding our lunches to every day as opposed to only when we had class, sometimes having dinner together, but never doing much off campus. She had not offered for me to study in her room again since the incident, and I had not asked, spending most of my spare time in the library or in the room of other friends that I had met. For all our niceties, Tobin was still over four years older than me and had a much more active social life than me.

The week before our Fall Break tended to be a stressful one, as that was usually the week of midterms, but I was pretty calm. I was doing well in all of my classes and was not worried about any of my grades, plus I had never been much for studying. My memory was pretty solid, and if I looked over some material for an hour or so the night before the test I was usually golden. I had made it through the week almost entirely unscathed, acing my two hardest midterms in entomology and calculus, and all I had left was my Theater History exam. I browsed the material and the plays that we had read over the course of the semester so far, but I was far from anxious. The professor I had found out was a pretty easy grader on essays, and the multiple choice portion of her tests were always straightforward.

I planned to go to bed early regardless, but fate would not have it so. I reached for the handle of my door as I was coming back from the library, but it was locked. This was odd because I could hear Juan skyping in the room. I pulled out my keys and opened the door to a scene that I had not expected to witness in a thousand years. Juan was standing in front of his computer buck naked, with a full erection, talking to who I assumed was a girl back home who he had hooked up with in the past. Absolutely horrified by walking in on my obese roommate having skype sex, I froze for a second, and then rapidly leapt into action.

“Oh god. I’m so sorry! I’m leaving. Bye.” I said, most likely too fast for him to understand, and as I shut the door. I needed to go somewhere and forget that this moment had ever happened. I started down the hallway when I heard a familiar voice.

“Hey, Mark.”

It was Tobin. I was still in shock after what I had just seen, and apparently my face showed it.

“You don’t look too well. You feeling ok?” She asked.

“Yeah. I’m alright.” I said, shaking my head as if my brain were an etch-a-sketch and the shaking would erase my most recent memory. “What’s up?”

“You are doing pretty well in history right?” She inquired.

“Yeah, I’m doing ok.” I responded, trying to be humble. I had learned long ago that bragging about grades in general was a major turn off to nearly everyone.

“Well do you think that maybe you could help me? I didn’t do so great on the last test, and I really need a B on this midterm. As of right now I don’t think that has a good chance of happening.”

“Sure. We can head to the library or down to the lounge in the basement if you want.” I said.

“Or we could just go to my room. It’s closer than both of those options, and it is way more comfortable. Plus there are added benefits to being in the RA’s room,” Tobin said with a wink.

I had no idea what the last part of her statement meant, but her tone and flirty attitude that I had come to know pretty well over the last few months convinced me. I nodded to her suggestion, and we climbed the stairs to her room. She opened the door and walked in.

“Make yourself at home,” she stated casually.

Her bed was placed up against the wall with the window and she had a small love seat couch on the adjacent wall. She had a large 40 inch television across from the couch, a mini fridge in the corner, and photographs of her and her friends framed all over the room. Her room smelled vaguely of the vanilla scented perfume that she always wore, and as I entered I inhaled deeply. Tobin went directly over to her bed where she had papers and various books from our class laid out. I sat on the couch, slightly uneasy and very stiff. Tobin glanced over and noticed that I was obviously nervous.

“Loosen up a bit Mark. Oh I know what will help.” Tobin stated as she got up from the bed and went to her refrigerator. She pulled out a bottle of vodka and a few sodas to mix it with.

“I don’t really drink that much. I mean you can if you want but I’m ok. I don’t want to be hung over for the test tomorrow.” I said. This was all true. I did not drink at all in high school, and since I had been to college, I had had a few beers, but I had never been tipsy let alone drunk. It was also against the rules, as the college was a dry campus. It finally dawned on me that this is what Tobin meant when she winked at me and was talking about the benefits of being in the RA’s room.

“Come on Mark,” said Tobin. “Don’t make me drink alone. Drunk studying is the best. Plus you can’t get in trouble because you’re with me.”

I contemplated my options, but eventually consented. Tobin mixed the drinks and we began studying the material. We made a game out of it where every time we answered a question wrong, the person answering had to take a drink, and every time we got an answer right, the person asking the question had to take a drink. I was much better at the game than Tobin, and within an hour she was fairly drunk while I was sober as a judge. She had gone through three and a half drinks while I was barely halfway through my first.

“Fuck Mark! Why are you so fucking good at this?” Tobin exclaimed after I answered another question correctly.

“Maybe you are just asking the wrong questions,” I jested back.

“Fine. How many characters are there in Doctor Faustus?”

“Shit! That’s not fair!” I cried exasperated. “There is no way that we need to know that for the test tomorrow.”

“Doesn’t matter. You don’t know. Now drink up.”

I took a large gulp of my drink, my mouth puckering at the now apparent taste of alcohol in my beverage. The questions she continued to ask bordered on the ridiculous, and I missed nearly all of them, resulting in my having to finish two drinks in approximately twenty minutes. As previously stated, I was not a big drinker at the time, and the rapid intake of alcohol had me feeling moderately light headed with my appendages tingling. I placed my empty glass down on her desk.

“Tobin, I don’t think I can drink anymore. I’m feeling kinda drunk I think.” I slurred.

“That’s good cause I’m feeling drunk too. I think that we had a productive study session.” Tobin said as she giggled.

Tobin closed up the books she had on her bed and walked over to the couch. I could not take my eyes off of her as she sat down beside me. I knew that this was probably a sign that I could probably make a move on her, but fear gripped me. I had only ever slept with one girl, my high school girlfriend, and she was not very adventurous, so I was severely lacking in experience. I also assumed that Tobin had high expectations. This made me think that the best course of action was to not do anything, and therefore I could not disappoint her. Sensing that I was nervous, Tobin reached over to me with her hand and put it on my thigh. Startled, I flinched.

“It’s ok, Mark,” said Tobin in a reassuring voice. “Have you ever done anything like this before?”

“Well, I mean, I had a girlfriend in high school but that was about it.” I replied sheepishly.

“That’s nothing to be ashamed of.” She said as she inched closer to me. “I think that it’s sweet when a guy doesn’t brag about all of the people he’s been with.”

Tobin was almost on top of me now. The last sentence she whispered into my ear, and followed it with a peck on the cheek. My breath became rapid and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I turned my head towards her, and she took my face in her hands. She planted her lips on mine and I felt her tongue probe into my mouth. I had made out with a few girls at some parties earlier in the year, but this was an entirely different experience. Her lips were soft upon mine, but she also kissed forcefully. She guided me down so that I was lying down on the couch leaving her on top of me. I felt her hands brush over my chest, feeling down my ribs to where my shirt and pants met. Tobin’s hands lifted up my shirt, and awkwardly, I rose my torso off the couch so that she could take my shirt completely off. Her lips came back to mine, and then I felt a small bite on my lower lip as her lips moved on from my lips down to my neck. She kissed down my chest to the button on my pants. I grew nervous as her hands began to unbutton my pants and drag the zipper down slowly as I could feel my dick becoming engorged.

Tobin reached into my pants, and i felt her warm hand clasp around my shaft. She pulled it out from my pants and eased my pants all the way off. I was now completely naked on her couch, and I felt a bit self conscious as she was still clothed.

“Hey, it’s no fair that I’m naked while you still have all of your clothes on.” I said, hoping that I didn’t ruin anything that was happening.

Tobin gave me a sly smile. “All in good time, hun. Now lie back and close your eyes.”

I thought about protesting, but decided that my best course of action was to listen. No sooner had my eyes shut than I felt her wet lips on the tip of my cock. Her skills were far superior to my high school girlfriend, and I noticed immediately. Tobin went gradually farther and farther down my shaft, eventually taking my entire length in her mouth. After a few seconds, her mouth released my dick with an audible pop. She extended her tongue and licked the sides of my dick, periodically putting it in her mouth and bobbing up and down on it for a while. I suddenly felt the sensation stop and the cool air of the room met my wet dick. I opened my eyes to see what Tobin was doing, and to my excitement, she was taking off the orange Aeropostale shirt she was wearing. Underneath she had on a leopard print bra. Next, she removed her shorts, revealing a bright red thong. She climbed back on top of me, my wet dick rubbing on her stomach. I reached around her back, and tried to unclasp her bra, but I could not undo the clasp. My struggle continued for about thirty seconds before she placed my arms at my sides and undid the clasp herself.

“I’m sorry.” I said quietly. I could have died from embarrassment right then.

Tobin smiled and gave me a kiss. “You’re cute.”

She stood up and took my hand, bringing me over to the bed. I sat on the bed and watched as she removed the thong, gracefully stepping out of it. This was the first time that I was getting a good look at Tobin’s naked body. Her pale C cup breasts were beautiful on her figure, her light nipples were almost invisible. I saw that her pussy was completely shaved, and I thought that I could make out a slight glisten, showing that she was aroused.

“Have you ever eaten a girl out before?” Tobin asked me.

“Yeah, just one.” I replied.

Taking this as an affirmative, Tobin laid down and spread her legs. I saw that my eyes had not deceived me, and she was indeed very wet. I nervously edged my way between her legs and started to gently lick her labia. My actions were met with an exhale of approval, spurring me to be slightly more aggressive. My hands parted her lips, exposing her small clit. My tongue darted over it, causing Tobin to buck her hips in the air. I kept going, switching off between licking the length of her slit and focusing on her clit. Tobin was moaning and squirming, and when I felt her hands on the back of my head, I knew that I was doing well. The pressure her hands were exerting became greater, and then I heard her say “Oh Fuck!” as her hips spasmed violently.

Tobin wasted no time after having gotten off, rising from the bed and pushing me flat onto my back. She took my dick in her mouth briefly, making sure that my dick was completely wet for penetration. I saw her begin to mount me, and I suddenly panicked.

“Shouldn’t I be wearing a condom?” I asked, immediately hating myself for being logical.

“It’s ok. I’m on the pill.” Tobin said as she positioned herself over my fully erect member.

I nodded my understanding. I could feel the heat that her pussy was giving off radiating down my cock. Her hand guided me towards her entrance. We both let out a moan when my head entered her. She slid down inch by inch until I was fully inside of her. I had never had sex without a condom before, and I could not believe the difference. Tobin leaned forward and kissed me as she began to gently ride me. Her pussy felt like it was just the right size for my dick, as I filled her up entirely. I began to fondle her tits, lightly pinching her nipples, as she rocked back and forth. All of the sudden, Tobin stopped grinding. She grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands away from her tits pinning them to the bed. She leaned down to kiss me, but when I went to complete the kiss, she pulled her head back, teasing me. She eased off my cock so that only the tip was inside of her. She bounced ever so slightly on the tip of my dick, torturing me. I had a taste of her, and I wanted to fuck her so badly, but she was not allowing me. She flashed me her most devious smile.

“What do you want?” Tobin asked, full well knowing the answer.

“You,” was my response.

“I guess you are going to have to take it then, because this is all I am going to give you.”

I smiled, thinking that she would give in. However, every time I went for a kiss or a deeper thrust she kept just out of reach. Incredibly horny and tired of being teased, I snapped. I broke her grip around my wrists and flipped positions on her. I was now on top of her, placed between her legs. Tobin smiled, waiting for me to take her, but I held action. I grabbed her wrists with one hand and pinned them above her head. I gently licked each nipple, and almost kissed her, but drew back at the last moment, just like she had done to me. With my free hand, I placed my dick at the entrance of her pussy, but did not thrust home.

“How does it feel?” I asked, grinning at the reversal of power.

“Please fuck me. I need you inside of me right now.”

I decided to take it a bit further. “Not good enough.” I said as I rubbed her clit.

“Mmmm, fill me up!” Tobin moaned as she clamped her legs around my back, pulling me inside of her.

The feeling of being pulled inside of her was fantastic. I let out a shudder as I began to thrust into her. “Harder!” She said as her breath started to become ragged and more rapid. I complied working up speed. Her legs grabbed me tighter as she began to get closer to orgasm. I watched as her face began to flush and her tits bounced in rhythm with my thrusts. Tobin’s legs opened up and her hands scratched at my back as her second orgasm rocked her body. I could feel myself getting close to finishing.

“Where do you want me to finish?” I asked mid-thrust.

“Anywhere….you….want” was the out of breath reply.

Even though she told me that she was on the pill, I was still nervous about cumming inside of her. My hips began to move faster and faster, and when I knew that I was about to burst, I pulled out, cum shooting out all over her. The first eruption shot up over her shoulder onto her cheek and hair. The second and third coated her tits, and the rest pooled in and around her belly button. Tobin looked at the aftermath. I rolled over to the side of her bed, physically exhausted from what had just transpired, and I watched as Tobin wiped off the cum on her cheek with her finger and then put her finger in her mouth. I was surprised and turned on by this action, but before I could do anything about it, she stood up, put on her bathrobe, and told me that she was going to go clean up.

I put on my clothes and wondered what I should do. I was not sure if I should wait for her to get back or if I was supposed to leave. I got dressed and decided that I would wait. I sat on the couch, excited but also confused about the situation I was in. After what felt like eons, Tobin entered her room freshly showered.

“And after all that work I did to get you out of those clothes, there you go and just put them all back on. I guess I’ll have to make sure you stay out of them next time,” she joked.

“Next time?” I asked. “There’s a next time?”

“Unless you don’t want there to be.”

I smiled at her and rose from the couch. “Next time sounds like fun.”

Submitted April 27, 2016 at 02:37AM by lovemesomeburritos http://ift.tt/1Qz6nkk gonewildstories

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