Friday, April 22, 2016

Some experiences I've had Paranormal

I don't really know what I'm trying to find out about them, but maybe what I've experienced. Often times, people will say you're crazy but I just discovered this subreddit and would like to hear what others think. I've experienced a lot. People say it's because I'm an identical twin, but I don't know what that has to do with anything; however, my twin and I have had some crazy dreams at the same time about the same thing. I have always been a little afraid of the dark and empty houses from experiences when I was little, maybe they weren't paranormal, but they were enough to scare me.

The experiences that stand out the most are from a house that my dad bought. The previous owners died in the house. First the husband died, and then the widow, who had a heart attack in the hallway. Soon after my dad bought the house, my sister moved in with him, my parents were separated. She moves into the back room, connected to the hallway. The hallway has 3 rooms connected to it, 2 regular bedrooms, and the master bedroom. Anyways, my sister sets up her room, hangs pictures etc. During the day, she left for a couple hours early in the day and came back. She found all her pictures off the wall and on the ground. She called and asked if my brother(twin) or I had been over. Of course we hadn't, we were in school and our dad was at work. She moves out maybe a year later and lives with her boyfriend.

The next few experiences happen after I start going to "paranormal" places looking for things. One place was to a cemetery that's said to be incredibly haunted, and has been on tv for it. The first night after leaving the cemetery, a friend claimed to have experienced something at his house. I kind of wished I would experience something after. We went back to the cemetery another 3-4 times. Each time I came home, I seemed to experience something, but not instantly. For example, one time I was on the phone with a friend and this black orb, maybe the size of a baseball appeared in front of me and then suddenly dissipated like smoke. It was the strangest thing but it didn't scare me. The next night, my brother was home alone. He called me to come pick him up, we shared a car at the time. I drove to my dad's to get him, and walk in. Nobody is there. I call him and ask where he is and he said our mom got him. I tell him ok and ask what happened. He said "nothing, I'll tell you tomorrow". The next day arrives and he tells me that a black shadow appeared in front of him and moved towards the window. My brother and I wouldn't sleep in any of the bedrooms because of what happened in that part of the house, we slept in the den on the couches because of that.

Another night after leaving the cemetery, I remember having a dream about a demon. I woke up soon after and I heard the piano playing softly. It was maybe an octave higher than middle C. Remember the hall had a total of 3 bedroom connected to it. The piano was in the middle bedroom, in between the master bedroom, and the other room. I walk to the room and the piano is getting quieter. I looked into the room and the piano stopped. Maybe I was hearing things because I had just woken up? The piano playing happened 2 other various times during the day, after experiencing this.

Another time, during the night after the cemetery, I was trying to go to sleep on the couch, and I hear something in the kitchen moving. I sat up really quickly, looked to see where my brother was, the dog, and my dad. They were all asleep. I tried to calm myself down by telling myself "it's just a mouse or something,despite not having any" The noise stopped and I laid back down..and it started again. It was the sound of cabinet doors opening, and chairs moving around. I sit up really quickly, and through the remote at my brother to wake him up. Of course when he wakes up, it stops. He remembers this happening which is enough for him to believe me that something happened.

During the time of all this, my dad got leukemia which people didn't understand how he got it. He got too much "radiation" the doctors said but we didn't understand how. My dad passed away in early 2010. We cleaned most of the house, and got ready to have a yard sale. I don't know why I'm in the house alone but I am. I was standing in the kitchen in at the refrigerator, when a golf ball came bouncing in the room and hit the door of the refrigerator. This was significant to me because my dad was a big golfer, it was how he made a living for a long time. I look down at it and back up, it was enough to scare me. In the kitchen there was a backdoor and a garage door. I don’t know why I didn’t go out those but I didn’t. I decided to go back through the kitchen. When you get to the opposite end, you can either go left, or right towards the hallway. I, obviously, was not going to go right, towards the hallway. As soon as I turned my back to the hallway, every single hair on my body stood up on my body. I felt incredibly sick and scared at the same time. I could feel something staring me down, and it wasn’t a good feeling, maybe malicious? I knew if I turned around that I would see something. I’ve always heard about knowing when something was there, even if you can’t see it, your body know. It was the strangest and scariest thing I have ever felt. Needless to say, I didn’t turn around, I ran out of the house. I wonder what I would have seen if I had turned around. My sister later experienced the phone ringing when it wasn’t hooked up. Soon after, my grandfather moves in and has one of my dad’s friends stay with him. We appreciated that a lot. Unfortunately, one day my grandfather had a stroke and heart attack and died. My dad’s friend continued to live in the house for some time and wouldn’t sleep in the back of the house, only in the den, like my brother and I used to. He moved out eventually, and said there was something in the house but wouldn’t talk about it because he was staying there.
Since then, we live in a new house, the only crazy thing I’ve experienced is having a dream at the same time as my brother. In the dream, a demon was in the room tormenting him and I woke up. We both woke up at the same time. The next morning we talked about why. He said in his dream, there was a demon over his bed that was tormenting him, went under his bed, then kicked it from underneath and that’s what woke him up. Earlier, I said I dreamed about a demon. I’ve had multiple dreams about one, and it always seems to be the same one. It’s always in all black.

Sorry for the wall of text

Submitted April 23, 2016 at 01:30AM by Megas_Matthaios Paranormal

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