Friday, April 22, 2016

I'm a pizza driver and an atheist... nosleep

So, I used to be an IT guy until I eventually became a pizza driver because the economy went to shit. Anyways, I liked my manager a lot, he gave me a fair shot, hired me on the spot, and gave me a good amount of hours. Within a month I was working about 30 hours a week. Well, my manager got moved to another store and he told me, "Hey HATESGINGERS, do you want to come to my new store?" I was like sure, besides these guys are perpetually treating me like The New Guy. Told some of my coworkers I was leaving to work for the store across town, got a few snide "okay now we can throw a party" and a few "miss you"s as I was leaving. All except for this one coworker who had worked longer than any of us. He said to me, "Don't do it. It's a bad luck store." I laughed at him. I literally laughed. Later I called someone I knew that had worked at the store. She agreed with the first person, saying it was a "cursed" store where only bad things happen. I dismissed it again. They must have sucked at working, I thought. Little did I know how wrong I was.

The store seemed pretty awesome. I got upgraded to 40hrs/week instantly and I was making really good tips. However, the 2nd week in the cooler busted. I didn't think much of it. It was a massive inconvenience, that's all. But it would be the first of many occurences that would eventually send shivers down my spine.

Printers would jam up for no reason. The air conditioner quit in the middle of the summer and stayed broken for three weeks with many failed attempts to fix it. At this point I started to notice things were breaking at a little faster pace than I imagined should be realistic, or even possible.

A refrigerator became unplugged and ruined a few hundred dollars in food. The internet would come in and out as it pleased. Our lobby would randomly become filled with almost an inch of water some mornings. But the creepiest was the phones. It would ring, and I would answer. No one there, static. Breathing, static, click. Pick up and literally no one there. Pick up and all I could hear was distant hushed voices. Once it was nothing but screaming. After a while, I requested that I not answer phones. The phone problems didn't really happen to anyone else.

Then one day my car was smashed and completely totalled. It was a hit and run, they were unable to identify the other driver or vehicle, and no one saw the incident despite it being in a fairly public location. I do not recall the accident. When I awoke in the hospital, I had stitches in various places on my body, 44 total. I was determined at this point that nothing was weird about my store, and all the bad things about it had been made up, or unfairly noticed by me in a false correlation. Not even three weeks later I was back in my store with a brand new car from insurance. It was a great day, and everyone was happy to see me. The next day, the very next day, my favorite manager was fired for stealing. A new driver began making threatening advances at me for correcting him on something or another, and a couple weeks later he was fired for having a gun at work and threatening to shoot the manager that told him he couldn't have it in the store. I can only imagine if I had been in the store.

In the following months, it felt like the store was recovering a little. I was plagued by car problems, unusual random problems, and my tires kept going flat hitting nails and whatnot out of the blue. Then, I started finding knives in the sink. I walked to the back of the store and slipped on a slick spill that appeared to have come from the ceiling, and sprained my wrist. The spill was never found. I got pulled over and ticketed four times in two weeks for nonsensical reasons while at work. But finally, something happened that convinced me something sinister was at work. I was the only employee in the store and the phone rang. I just looked at it... after a couple rings I decided to go ahead and pick it up. Nothing. It rang again and nothing. I picked it up for the third time when I heard a little voice say "You're dead. You're so dead." This ticked me off. I had more than my fair share of prank calls but that was over the edge. I got my cigarettes out of my pocket and starting getting one out as I headed to the door. "Fuck the customers, they will be fine for awhile" I thought to myself. But a notification went off on my phone and I hesitated(it was my girlfriend). When I looked up something huge was falling, as if from the sky. Turned out the sign fell. Yeah that's right, the 5 or 600 pound sign fell off the fucking building. I would have been under it if my phone hadn't went off, and all the metal and sharp glass would have gutted me like a fish and then smashed me like a bug.

I am still working there, and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. I don't believe in ghosts and fairies or even this poltergeist-like turn of events having otherworldly origins but I will admit it. Something sinister is going on. There are so many little things, scary things, that happen at work and make it feel like something is inside my head and playing cat-and-mouse with me. But I don't care. There's no such thing as ghosts.

Submitted April 23, 2016 at 01:01AM by HATESGINGERS nosleep

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